The presence necuvantatoarelor the man's house is more than welcome and besides that gives us a good feeling to have a soul whom we confide in the most difficult moments of life, we can provide many benefits to both the psyche and state . Psychologists have found that people who have a pet dog, small or large, race or community, are more optimistic, worry-free, more organized, more responsible, more self-confident, . But there are also less pleasant aspects of having a pet, and these are the emergence of the various diseases that animals can do if they are not properly cared, and what is even worse is that such diseases are transmissible to . Keep in mind that the golden rule in preventing these diseases is thorough hand washing after interacting with the quadruped and regular visit to the veterinarian. Here are some of the issues that may occur if you do not follow these guidelines: Dermatomycosis caused by worms In animals, it can be manifested by skin lesions and blunt portions and red punctuation. In humans, it manifests itself in red, spherical portions at the surface of the skin.
It is treated by applying local ointments or oral administration of medications prescribed by the specialist. How can it be prevented: washing high-rise bed linen once or twice a month and giving up the habit of sleeping with the pet in the same bed. Roundworms can lead to blindness These are commonly encountered in cats living outside closed spaces that can be infected through the mother's milk or by the ingestion of a mouse bearing this worm. As a rule, the most vulnerable are children who are used to playing on the ground or on the animals, then shake hands, thus favoring infection with these dangerous worms. Once inside the body, they can move into the brain or eye where they die, causing severe inflammation of the surrounding tissue, also known as visceral migrans larva, which in severe cases can lead to loss of vision.
In animals, infection is manifested by diarrhea, vomiting, blood stool, visible presence of worms in the stool, constipation, sneezing etc. . In humans, the symptoms include sneezing, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain and the presence of blood in the stool. The infection can be successfully treated with antiparasitic drugs for both animals and humans. How can it be prevented: washing children's hands after playing with animals outside the house, cleaning your hands after changing the litter.
It is also scientifically proven that a more spicy or bitter diet, based on turmeric, sweet cayenne peppers, figs, ginger, olives and garlic, can naturally defend the body against roundworm infection. Hookworms cause serious digestive disorders Exactly as in the case above, hookworms are a species that resists for a very long time in soil and can easily be transmitted to humans. In animals, the infection can be manifested by diarrhea and sudden weakness, and in humans the symptoms include pruritus (itching) in the skin, wheezing in the breath, severe stomach pain accompanied by abdominal cramps and diarrhea, anemia, lack of appetite, presence of blood in the stool . The infection can be treated with anti-parasitic drugs and in order to prevent such situations it is sufficient to ensure that the feces of the dog do not dwell too much in the yard and that the larvae penetrate through small scars from the skin. Giardiasis Causes Severe Diarrhea This parasitic disease is particularly specific among puppies, and the symptoms present in both animals and humans are severe diarrhea which can lead to dehydration or even death if proper treatment or administration of specific antiparasitic drugs.
Strict hygiene rules and animal vaccinations are required to prevent infection. Campylobacter - a Bacterial Bacteria for Babies This bacterium can be contacted by eating hot poultry meat or insufficiently milk, but also through cats, dogs, poultry and other animals. The main symptom of Campylobacter infection in animals is diarrhea in mild or severe forms, which is also true for humans but accompanied by pain similar to appendicitis, vomiting or fever. Symptoms may disappear by themselves in the case of humans, who must be permanently hydrated, but in animals appropriate medication is required in such situations. In order to prevent infection, it is enough to wash your hands after touching the animals, avoid excessive kneading and kissing of the animals, since the bacterium, if not treated in time, presents a risk of contagion of up to 7 days.
Watch out, turtle lovers! . Although there are no visible signs of an infection, it can be manifested in people with abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, headache and nausea, symptoms that may or may not be self-inflicted, depending on how much . To prevent these problems avoid washing the terrarium where the turtles are in the kitchen, wash your hands whenever you walk with them and thoroughly disinfect the sink. Wormworm infection is more common among children who are not yet in the habit of washing their hands and who carry a dirty hand to their mouth after having prelabially interact with the pet, thus favoring the transmission of this worm that can be very easy . .
. Ingestion of fleas, a potential carrier of the parasite larvae. In both animals and humans the signs of an infection consist of the presence of size-sized formations of rice in the faeces, in fact worms that can be easily treated by the administration of antiparasitic drugs. Cat scratch disease feline owners are certainly accustomed to being However, be careful about this because the Bartonella henselae bacteria can be hidden beneath the ghettos, which can lead to swelling and stiffening of the lymph nodes, fever, headaches and fatigue, symptoms that, although they may pass by themselves in the case of adults, into . Prevent this discomfort by frequent dressing cats, avoid aggressive games that can end with scratches and do not let the cat lick you, especially if you have lesions open to the surface of the skin.
Toxoplasmosis, Dangerous to Pregnant Women It is a commonly found disease among cats that is easily transmitted to humans and which can be particularly dangerous for fertile women or those already waiting for a child. Specifically, there may be difficulties in the development of the newborn, the risk of spontaneous abortion or serious sight disorder if not treated properly. In animals, toxoplasmosis can be manifested by diarrhea and lung, liver or nervous system problems, and it is difficult for people to recognize it because they have symptoms similar to mild cold and swollen lymph nodes. At the slightest suspicion, do not hesitate to go to a specialty check that involves a special blood test. Treatment in most cases consists of antibiotics and folic acid, especially for pregnant women.
Prevent infection with this parasite by treating the sick animal with hygiene rules with holiness and by restricting contact between cats and pregnant women. Extremely rare cases but worth taking note of: bubonic plague The health authorities report up to 7 annual cases of bubonic plague, known as black death in the Middle Ages and over 200 million people. Such cases occur when the rats or animals are carriers of Xenopsylla cheopis (the flea of the rat carrying the bubonic plague). Animal symptoms can include: fever, inflammation, swelling and pain in lymph nodes, and headache, muscle weakness and chills. In such cases, it is necessary to promptly treat with strong antibiotics to destroy any trace of infection.
Just in order to avoid such situations, it is essential to regularly eradicate puppies or cats both internally and externally. Taken from: Csid. .
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