The mouthpieces - why they appear and how they can be treated

The mouthpieces - why they appear and how they can be treated
The mouthpieces - why they appear and how they can be treated

• Certain allergies. • Acid foods can accentuate them or trigger them. • A weakening can lead to the appearance of sores. • Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals • Traumas of the oral mucosa • An increased level of. The purpose of treatment is to lessen the discomfort that the person in question feels. Thus, it will consume soft food, it will rinse mouth mouth with mouthwash, and if it feels a severe pain it can take from the famace a cream with antialgic action.

Remedies for aphas: • Garlic, a real adjuvant. It also has antibacterials that, if in direct contact with the affected area, prevents infections. And allicin, the active compound in garlic, reduces inflammation caused by sepsis and improves cellular activity, accelerating healing. • A teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate put in a cup of water can cause the pain to diminish. Bicarbonate is an alkaline that helps neutralize acids in the mouth that irritate and inflame tissues.

Moreover, it is a mixture that helps to clean the affected area and reduce the discomfort caused by it. • Curcuma has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, if you apply a little bit of turmeric powder to the affected area and leave a few minutes to act it is possible to feel much better. The explanation is that the turmeric root contains an active substance called curcumin that has anti-inflammatory properties. Although they are painful, they heal quite quickly, after about a week they disappear.

But if proper oral hygiene takes place, the risk of them appearing decreases considerably. Although all the aphids can not be prevented, certain rules of hygiene as well as nutrition if respected, the risk of their occurrence is reduced. Avoid as far as possible triggering factors, in other words reduce the consumption of hazelnuts, fruit. For example, acid foods containing sugar such as orange juice should also be avoided. It contains acids that will even irritate the walls of the mouth, thus the time required for healing will be higher.

An essential role in preventing them is also. Also, if your toothpaste contains sodium sulphate, it's good not to use it anymore. This ingredient may trigger the appearance of mouth sores for more sensitive people. .

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