The negative effects of alcohol on the skin

The negative effects of alcohol on the skin
The negative effects of alcohol on the skin

A few drinks a week won't do much for your skin, but excessive alcohol consumption can have a real impact not only on your social life but also on your skin. Scientifically, we must know that alcohol is hepatotoxic, which means it directly affects the liver. The liver is correlated with the functions of the skin, so when the liver suffers, the effects will also manifest at the level of the skin. The most common harmful effects of alcohol consumption are those on the central nervous system, on the ulation and on the liver, but the ones that are most certainly seen are those on the skin. And this, over time, causes premature aging of the skin. People who drink alcohol in excess are more prone to wrinkles.

According to specialists, when alcohol is consumed, water leaves the body and the rehydration function of the body is slowed down. Alcohol consumption affects the liver, an organ that functions as a cleaning system for the body, eliminating toxins or metabolizing them. When the liver is affected, the toxins that remain in the body have a negative effect on the skin. What this means? . Over time, the always swollen face becomes even more wrinkled, and the skin loses its elasticity and firmness.

Common signs include wrinkling and skin discoloration. Drinking alcohol decreases the amount of nutrients that could help repair and maintain healthy looking skin. Vitamin A is essential for cell repair. Alcohol can cause a vitamin A deficiency, and the lack of it in the body will make the skin look pale, yellow and less luminous. If the liver is not working optimally, the skin can take on a tired, dull appearance, and this, over time, can lead to premature skin pigmentation.

Moreover, alcohol has a drying effect on the skin. Skin looks less hydrated and spots may appear. Researchers from the University of North Carolina confirm that when you drink alcohol in large quantities you can double your risk of getting skin cancer or any other type of cancer. .

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