The reason why relationships are broken easily: Men are sexually attached to women

The reason why relationships are broken easily: Men are sexually attached to women
The reason why relationships are broken easily: Men are sexually attached to women

Today's relationships are built on moving sands, and sex is the way you can escape from a reality you do not find. Monogamy is just a memory for many of us, and your partner's trust can quickly send you in the storm. Moreover, it is said that when someone goes out of your life, you lose some of you, so depression is just a corner away. How true is it behind these words? . Monogamy means death of the soul. Why? .

If the subject is scheduled to have 20 relationships, including five in parallel, it will suffocate in a monogamous relationship, and casual sex, regardless of partner, will be a vengeance on its own infirmity. The subject can not accept who and what it is. He feels different, but education imposes a certain direction, with which he, the subject, disagrees. Separation occurs when at least one of the wrong partners, betrays, loses. From all this struggle for supremacy, most children suffer, where they exist.

They are caught in the emotional storm that is unleashed, They attach themselves. Attachment has nothing to do with love. And dogs attach themselves to their masters, whether they care for them or not. As a matter of fact, attachment to people is more evolved. Men are sexually attached to women, and women are visually attached to men.

Comfort occurs in both cases. Taking into account that most relationships are constantly based on interest and access to business connections, love has been deeply buried for years. Romanticism has been replaced by eroticism and extreme sexuality. Men are addicted to sex, and women are erotic successes, The divisions are today feminine and built on the pattern: On the contrary. Here we have a special model: Dear, I do not feel understood and fulfilled by you.

I do not have a good vibe. It's hard for me but I have to give up the comfort lived with you. I know it will be difficult. I feel the need for another start, What's more, there are ways of separation that can not be answered. Here are these in the expert's opinion! .

No sense to upset, the fact is already consumed. I fell in love with the idea that we are together, not you. It was a real lived fantasy. I do not want to lie anymore. My dear beloved, I am extremely upset about myself.

Stay calm, you have no blame. I'm angry with myself. I was attracted to a game that did not depend on me, and now I'm a prisoner. I'm ashamed, but I fell in love. Life with you, honey, is a pleasant surprise.

Knowing this, it will be very difficult for me to admit that I met a man at work, which does not give me surprises. Everything with him is static. For now, I need something static. Surprises have tired me. Depression does not choose, but it hits both the people considered strong and the most shy of us.

The woman loses its identity, and the man's emotional balance. The woman accepts her love identity. When he does not have anyone to love, he goes into depression, whether or not he has a child. The separation leaves deep signs on the face of a woman, as is her body. That does not mean that he can take it from the beginning, looking for a replacement, at first surrogate, then a definitive one, Why break the relationship? .

Lack of living divided before marriage. Unknowing of your partner before hurried marriage. The Orthodox Bible says so: do not rush into marriage, do not eat marriage before it begins. If you do not know who you are in the house, what tics and customs you have, how can you make the house with him / her? . Not knowing these things before marriage and financial interests that inevitably lead to the rush of marriage, 6-10 months after marriage, divorce appears Romanians seem to breathe unhappiness through all the pores.

Why did he get here? . Happiness for them is measured in drink and good food, and eventually a sex game, but never with their official couple partner. Happiness in Romanian passes through bed and pocket Relationships are not forcibly reinforced. If the marriage partners do not want to be helped, the psychologist's help is often in vain. .

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