Three common features of psychopaths

Three common features of psychopaths
Three common features of psychopaths

Psychopaths are not always the crazy killers shown in the media or horror films. On the contrary, they may appear, apparently at the opposite pole. According to the researchers, 1 in 100 people is a psychopath. That means they could be your neighbor, your colleague or any of the people you know. indoor photo and home page: Zolotarevs, ShutterstockThat are the three features that will help you identify a psychopath. MachiavellianismPersons who have this trait are seen as duplicate, cunning and manipulative.

Their top priority is power, money and winning. Because it is easy for them not to respect social rules, they manipulate others without feeling guilty. I do it for several reasons: getting personal gains, such as promotion or fun. Regardless of their purpose, they do evil by deception, aggression, premeditated weakness or lying. I use these tools to play with the emotions and behaviors of others.

Their charm and the fact that people like it turns them into manipulations. I can show interest or compassion, but only for a short period of time, because once they get what they want, they give up the facade. Obviously, they only care about themselves. Lack of consciousness or empathy Psychopathy never respects the golden rule \. They lack many of the emotions that an ordinary person experiences, such as guilt, remorse, sympathy and mercy.

They have low control over impulses, so they are quick to resort to violence and aggression. Their way of life implies the existence of casual sex partners or engaging in risky and dangerous behaviors. NarcissismNarcissists are people who manifest selfishness and arrogance and overestimate their qualities and achievements. They see themselves as perfect creatures that have no defects. Or, when they are aware of certain defects, they project them on others.

For example, if they feel they are not smart enough, they will accuse others of stupidity. Narcissists love compliments and raise you in glory when you congratulate them. However, the tall pedestal on which they sit alone can easily be overturned. Their self-esteem is so unstable that they regard constructive criticisms as a statement of war. The slightest insult can infuriate it.

Because they are over-focusing on their own, it is difficult for them to get along well with others. I can not have stable and satisfying relationships. That's why I want power and look for positions that give authority to others. The fact that someone possesses one of the above features does not necessarily mean he is psychopathic. Maybe he likes the risks or is just arrogant.


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