Top cuticle, dry skin from m a and teccccccccc from an expert in manicure and SPA pedicure

Top cuticle, dry skin from m a and teccccccccc from an expert in manicure and SPA pedicure
Top cuticle, dry skin from m   a  and teccccccccc from an expert in manicure and SPA pedicure

The cold season and the passage to the warm one cause real problems in the skin of the hands and feet: often we feel it dry, harsh, dehydrated even if we eat vegetables and fruits and drink plenty of fluids. The solution is to respect the rules of care in the book, not to miss manicure and pedicure, and to use effective remedies at hand. Ni reveals them today Alina Cuzuban, nail couturier, manicure and pedicure expert. CSD: What did you notice in the cold season on the skin of the people you see at the salon? . As a result, intensive hydration is needed. We resolve this problem with an SPA manicure / pedicure or paraffin treatment.

But do not expect one treatment to do wonders, especially if at home, do not use any kind of care product. If I were to choose, even for home, I would opt for professional creams and masks, not necessarily home-made. Science often beats the healing remedies. It's important to read the label when buying a cream and avoid those that have a lot of silicone. CSD: What solutions do you suggest for cuticles in the cold season when changing between seasons? .

The cuticle oil should not be left out of the care kit. And know that not only the cold season causes the cuticle to dry, and it also successfully contributes water and soap. My advice is to use cuticle oil before bedtime and whenever you feel dry. Best Care for SKSD Cuticles: What are the rules of a fair manicure in the cold season? . In winter, we insist more than usual on hydration.

I recommend your Hyaluronic Acid Hands and Nails Creams, because it helps the skin to stay smooth and velvety long. For dry skin, dragon cream extract repair cream is highly appreciated by my clients. And cuticle oil, I repeat, should not miss out on daily care. The best cuticle oil is based on essential citrus oils. CSD: Is it okay or not to cut our cuticles frequently? .

If in the case of some people, it is enough to push them, for others, cutting is inevitable. I use the electric filler, then remove the fringes that remain with the cuticle. The cuticle does not cut at all until its inflammation. I consider it a curative treatment and we can choose with an unsteady and painful panartitis. Customers who come to the salon frequently and appeal to my method have a finer cuticle, almost no need to do much.

Why it is good to do all the time with CSDD pedicure: Many people neglect pedicure in the winter. What do these people risk in the legs? . Nothing is less pleasant than those harsh heels with an unsightly look. Calories (dead skin) on the sole should be cleaned both in summer and in winter. I recommend to clients that in the cold season the nails should be as short and natural as possible (without nail polish).

Foot care can be done very easily at home. Once a week, we use the abrasive saw, and then we hydrate with a repellent cream if necessary. We can as well as, after the calipers filing, use galling for a more efficient smoothing. CSD: What are the advantages of the SPA pedicure? . There is a huge difference between how you feel at the beginning and end of the procedure.

Scrubs remove the dead cells, leaving the skin to breathe. The second step is the hydrating mask that acts for 15 minutes and has a wow effect for both skin and nails. Finally, I do not recommend applying the nail polish to let the mask continue its action. After removing the mask, apply a moisturizing cream with massage techniques that relax instantly. It's divine! .

CSD: What are the best oils and natural products for the skin of the heels? . Obviously, there are a lot of remedies, but for me, the perfect combination is that at least once a month you do a spa manicure / pedicure and continue home care by applying coconut oil at least a few times a week. .

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