Ulcer trigger factors and gastritis

Ulcer trigger factors and gastritis
Ulcer trigger factors and gastritis

Environmental factors: • Excessive consumption • Smoking • Certain medicines: aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, corticosteroids • Inappropriate diet consisting of foods that stimulate gastric secretion such as coffee, chocolate, smoked products, spicy sauces, frogs, spices • Stress . Genetic Factors: • Individuals with blood group 0 are more vulnerable • Heredity - 20% of those with ulcer have cases of ulcer in the family. , Renal lithiasis, chronic pancreatitis (COPD), and Crohn's disease favoring the occurrence of gastric ulcer. This is done by the gastroenterologist, following the barium and upper radiology exam. The presence of Helicobacter Pylori infection can be confirmed by endoscopy. This is of a lengthy duration and is accompanied by a strict diet, both medication and regimen being indicated by the gastroenterologist.

Is a disease of the gastric mucosa, represented by inflammatory, allergic, degenerative processes. This condition can be caused by a bacterial infection or an unhealthy lifestyle that involves smoking, uncontrolled drinking or alcohol. • • Excessive alcoholic beverages • Coffee brewed in large quantities • Age over 65 • Certain medicines, eg anti-inflammatory • Biliary reflux • Rich meals and fast foods, sweets, fries . After their evolution, gastritis is classified as acute and chronic. The main investigations necessary for establishing the diagnosis are endoscopy, histopathological examination, bacteriological investigation of the gastric mucosa, but also the radiological examination that provides the necessary information for the gastroenterologist.

The patient will receive an indication of treatment with drugs aimed at diminishing acid secretion. If Helicobacter pylori infection is detected after the tests, the patient will be referred for antibiotic treatment. And it is important for gastritis. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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