The lesions can be spread over all skin with the appearance of \. The color of the urticaria papules is pale pink, the lesions are generally pruritic (itch), and the extended forms can give a state of agitation, headaches, general malaise. Drugs: Immune system hikes produce antibiotics (penicillins), sulfamides, quinolones, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sedatives, tranquilizers, barbiturates, laxatives, diuretics, conversion enzyme inhibitors,. Hives with non-immunological mechanisms may be produced by the following drugs - atropine, papaverine, morphine, codeine. The food factor: meat, sausages, fats, crustaceans, fish, shellfish, eggs, berries such as hazelnuts and seeds, nuts, red hearts and seeds (strawberries and blueberries) . Infectious Factor: chronic, tonsillitis, suppurative otitis, dental focalities, cholecystitis, lambliaza, chronic pyelonephritis, chronic cystitis, vulvovaginitis.
Internal diseases - collagenoses, haemopathies (lymphomas, macroglobulinemia, polycythemia), acute articular rheumatism, visceral cancers. Physical factors: heat, pressure, water, vibrations can produce particular forms of hives, called physical hurts. Contact factors: potentially allergenic substances: pollens, dust, molds. Inhaler or pneumoallergen allergens - house dust, flakes, molds, animal hair fragments. - especially after bee stings, wasps to sensitized people.
Genetic factors: are more involved in the occurrence of familial angioedema (hereditary). Psychiatric factors: Associate in the mechanism of maintenance of a hurricane, patients being very agitated at the smallest signs of eruption or recognizing the appearance of lesions due to conflicting or stressful states. 1. After the production mechanism there are immunological urticaria (triggered by food or drugs through immunological reactions); . 2.
After the type of lesions, urticaria can be classified as: gingival urticaria, dyskine urticaria, ringing urticaria, geographic centrifugal urticaria, rubella urticaria, white urticaria, bullous urticaria, haemorrhagic urticaria, pigmentary urticaria. 3. After the duration, urticaria may be acute, with sudden onset and rapid disappearance of the lesions within a few hours or days; . • analyzes for the balance of the general state of the organism: VSH, blood count, leukocyte and eosinophil count, glycemia, kidney, liver, C reactive protein, • analyzes to identify outbreaks of infection: pharyngeal exudate, nasal exudate, uroculture, . Individuals diagnosed with urticaria are advised to have a hygienic-dietetic digestive diet regimen with a diet of exclusion and reintroduction of allegedly incriminated foods.
It will consist of a restriction on the consumption of certain foods, especially meat, fats, coffee, dairy products, eggs, fish, seeds, with the gradual introduction of food, a new food in 2-3 days. Drug treatment is made with antihistamines, and in some cases also sedative-tranquillizers or certain types of antidepressants. They can especially associate with extended rash, when the patient is agitated and the lesions are very pruritic. Also, the infectious factor or other etiological factor must be removed (moldinisation, tonsil removal, treatment etc. .
). Systemic corticotherapy is associated with vasculitis urticaria. Local treatment is recommended in situations with extensive urticarial eruptions, and can be done with soothing mixtures, dermatocorticoids in creams and gels, antihistamines. .
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