Voyeurism, sickness or passion going to the extreme?

Voyeurism, sickness or passion going to the extreme?
Voyeurism, sickness or passion going to the extreme?

Voyeurism refers to the sexual excitement of an individual when it comes to sex scenes or undressing people without having any intimate relationship with them. Generally, this activity is followed by masturbation. The disorder occurs with the onset of sexual desires and is, in fact, the curiosity to find out more about the opposite sex. Or it may get worse, accompanying a depressive syndrome, The combination of the two can be quite random and quite rare, Causes that Cause Voyeurism Disorder can occur with the awareness of first sexual desire. Being guided by these, man begins to search, wanting to find out more about intimacy, about the opposite sex, but also about the anatomy of the sexual apparatus. Later, he returns to We can really talk of a disease when voyeurism becomes addictive.

but also when the person goes into the criminal sphere and starts to put rooms in public places (toilets, check-rooms, hotel rooms etc. ), at work or anywhere can surprise people by stripping, but it does without their knowledge Who are voyeurs? . '' They are those who have been stuck in the curiosity of adolescence, those who are unhappy with their own loneliness or have a relationship that no longer satisfies them, '' says the psychotherapist. What is the typology of the person suffering from this condition? . '' Often, we can meet an open person who thinks she's relaxing by looking at porn movies, then masturbating to get rid of the tension she has accumulated so far.

Voyeurism becomes dangerous when it becomes an addiction or contravenes the law Can you get rid of this affection? . '' First of all, by increasing self-esteem and communication capabilities. It is also important to educate normal relationships with the opposite sex. It is also useful to discover new hobbies that can get us out of the arms of such a disorder, The relationship with such a character may be difficult to maintain, because such a problem can only be solved by the one in question and your contribution may be insignificant as a result, but it can consume all your resources. Voyeurism, a practice more used by women or men? .

'' Older studies showed a fairly large difference, in the sense that men were the supreme. But since adult movies are easier to access because of the internet, the percentages are considered to be about equal, The steps through which this condition can be overcome Awareness of the problem and of its services. People who have transformed curiosity into disease must first recognize their addiction and then dig deep into consciousness to discover what damage they produce within their own person, discover what new behaviors are, which can lead to . The solution. Once discovered the damage, but also the negative influences, solutions are sought.

For example, the partner may be disturbed by the time that the person next to it is dedicating to this activity or by the ideas that are far too exaggerated. This affects the affection. Suffering can develop addiction, intoxicating the mind with what it discovers. He can also try to apply real life to what he sees or can go into the sphere of punishment, because he gets into the privacy of people, against their wishes, by buying high-tech raids or by putting rooms in unauthorized places, .

Source : csid.ro

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