Daughter, mother, sister, grandma, niece, friend, colleague. Each of us has a relative or acquaintance who has been diagnosed with It happens over time because of smoking, sunless exposure, eating away from nutritionist recommendations. Contact with chemicals and radiation in the case of crafts and alcohol abuse bring us closer to the tough verdict, which we can escape if we hold a single word What we know so far is that genetic inheritance, smoking, unbalanced diet, a lot of meat and no fresh vegetables, lack of sports activities and long exposure to the sun without protective creams all increase the risk of cancer even at young age. And to prevent the disease, we only have to adopt a balanced lifestyle and go to the doctor regularly, Breast cancer, lung cancer, malignancies of the cervix, and colorectal cancers are the most common among women in Romania. But age is also related to the appearance of certain types of cancer, so specialists have developed prevention programs that take this into account. That is why all women need to know that primary prevention, ie reducing these risk factors, must be accompanied by the secondary one, ie performing regular tests and analyzes that can detect early malignancies.
This complex program starts at 20 years and should continue all the life if we want health and longevity, Between 20 and 30 years, the most common types of cancers are germicidal tumors, leukemias and melanoma. Thus, the preventive analysis package includes a consultation of internal medicine, gynecological, abdominal, thyroid, breast, Pap tests and blood tests. After 30 years of age, women are more likely to have breast, cervical and skin cancers. In addition to investigations in the 20-30 year package, specialists may recommend in case of suspicion the development of tumor markers, hepatic markers, but also an ECG. Thus, between 41 and 50 years of age, mammography, gastroenterology, cardiology, and ECG become mandatory and complement the picture of investigations up to this age.
In addition, any suspicion of illness can direct the physician and the patient to an echocardiography, an effort test, an endoscopy, a virtual colonoscopy and a test for the HPV strain type, Jeabela Condei, primary medical imaging physician. After the age of 50, doctors commonly diagnose women's breast, colon and colorectal cancers. And the complete test package for early detection of these conditions includes a consultation of internal medicine, a gynecological one, another cardiology, a ganstroenterological consultation, abdominal, gynecological, thyroid, breast, Pap tests, mammography, virtual colonoscopy, and a . In case of suspicion, they can be added to other investigations. Specialists recommend that they be done in oncological centers with experience, where doctors can see any malignant change at an early stage.
Source : csid.ro
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