What do we give children to eat in the summer?

What do we give children to eat in the summer?
What do we give children to eat in the summer?

Surely, make every effort to thank the little ones. But they refuse so many good foods that summer, when it is very warm, becomes a kind of diplomacy demonstration to be able to give the child everything that is best. For these reasons, we suggest some useful ideas, obtained after a long time spent with the children. Does those words sound familiar? . Usually, parents try to convince children that food should be healthy. And princes and princesses do not appreciate any gastronomic effort of their parents, but rather the bombonics sold in the corner of the street or a cake where the list of additives exceeds the imagination of an ordinary man.

And what do you do when the youngsters meet with the heat of the summer, and there is the lack of any appetite for food, or an exaggerated craving for sweetness only? . Is right. But in this way there is only frustration. And then try to manage the need for sweet home, even if it takes time. Here's what you can do! .

We start with a kind of ice cream that can only be cooled in the refrigerator, so do not wait for the freezer to do its job. It comes from natural yogurt, frozen forest fruits (found in any supermarket), honey and a little cocoa. Mix and get a savory sweet and a color removed from a store shelf. Natural yoghurt is simply prepared at home if you want large quantities and you do not have enough money to take only yogurt. Buy natural milk from devices that are all over the city, boil it and put it in a large pot of stainless steel or ideally in a clay pot that has a lid.

In boiled milk but brought to room temperature, pour a small, natural, preferably organic, yogurt with controlled saprophytes. Cover and leave at room temperature. Within 2 days yogurt is ready. It has an exceptional taste, as it is not in the trade. You can offer it with fresh mint leaf leaves.

It is thus a major way of eating. In summer offer them soups. We know that vegetable soups do not like most of the little ones. But what about making a soup of mussels and vegetables? . After 5 minutes, pick the tasty meat and combine it with peppers, courgette, tomatoes, in a soup.

You can also put home noodles without too much mistake. It results in a nourishing summer meal. Iron from mussels is as valuable as red meat. The Vegetables, the Best Friends of the Children You have to offer as many fruits as you can. If you do not like to chew fruit - there are such claims - mix them into large cubes and make a kind of fruit salad over which you can pour, without major mistake, cream mixed with honey, a kind of natural cream.

Restrict yourself to 2 tablespoons and the fruit salad will be easily accepted. In addition, sour cream, even if it is a product with saturated fats, animals, is not avoided. Fats are needed in a normal diet of a child, at a rate of 30%. Fruit salad can be filled with fat, this time unsaturated, good, with a quarter of avocado, and it cut into small cubes or even given through the mixer to make it easier to accept. Sure, the little ones should eat vegetable salads.

I'm hard to accept by most. Cut fresh, seasonal vegetables into very small cubes. Then make a sauce with cold pressed oil, lemon juice, fresh basil, dill, thyme, parsley, all crushed well. Pour the mixture over the vegetables and change their taste, then add everything for your taste, but also for your look, sweet pepper. Do not harm the little ones, on the contrary, give them a powerful antioxidant that has a commercial look for a baby.

It's a suggestion to easily accept healthy foods that most babies reject. Cereals, not included in the menu Let's also refer to bread. You and your little ones should play the way bread is done. It's simple, interesting, and something good is coming out. Bread is a basic food, a main way of eating.

The basic foods are not meat, eggs and cheeses, but they are foods that can and should be offered on a daily basis and represent the highest nutrient intake. These are fermented milk products or sweet milk, vegetables of all kinds, legumes, bread, fruit, honey. Whole bread is real bread, the white one is just a cake without topping. The bread can be made in the house, along with the little ones, because it's fun. Do not bake bread in cake trays, make buns of various shapes - hearts, les, squares, to combine them with sesame, cumin, even poppy, but with moderation.

Bread is made from whole flour, warm water, a little salt and yeast. First mix some flour with yeast and lukewarm water. Leave it up. This makes the kelp that is still combined with water and flour, whatever you want. Then let it grow.

From this dough, make bread in the form of larger biscuits. They will be accepted, especially if they have spices. They are also tasty if you sprinkle olives over the mixer. Once the buns are bake, pour a little cold pressed oil over them and give them a red one. It will be a complete meal, easy to accept, but also fun.

Taken from: Csid. .

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