What drinks and foods interact with drugs

What drinks and foods interact with drugs
What drinks and foods interact with drugs

Grapefruit. It is recommended that grapefruit should not be consumed by people undergoing medical treatment, interacting with over 200 drugs, including antibiotics. Therefore, it is best to avoid it when following different treatments. Milk and dairy products. It is advisable to avoid it if you are taking antibiotic therapy because calcium ions, magnesium and iron-containing milk can prevent digestive tract absorption of antibiotics. Milk may be consumed but at 3 hours after antibiotics.

Alcohol. It should be avoided when using any type of medicine, but especially antibiotics, because alcohol cancels out their effect. In addition, it causes dilation of blood vessels, interfering with the body's efforts to raise body temperature to slow the spread of infection. And kidneys are forcing alcohol to eliminate more fluid, which can produce. At the same time, muscle and bone pain caused, for example, by a viral infection may be aggravated by.

Furthermore, certain medicines taken with alcohol may cause severe side effects such as gastrointestinal. Chocolate. And this extremely tasty dessert is recommended to be avoided as it can lessen the effects of drugs intended to combat. Fresh fruit juices. It is advisable to avoid this type of beverages if you are treated with fexofenadine against at least four hours after taking the treatment.

These juices inhibit the effect of the action of a peptide that transports the drug molecules from the stomach into the blood. The effectiveness of pollen allergy treatment is reduced by 70% if you drink fresh juices, especially. Coffee. Avoid drinking coffee when taking diuretics because it increases the amount of urine eliminated and, implicitly, essential substances for the proper functioning of the kidneys. You do not have to drink coffee even when you are treated with or with medicines that fight.

Caffeine is a potent stimulant of the nervous system and may result in lowering the beneficial effects of certain drugs. Green vegetables. If you are taking medication that prevents blood thickening, try to eat green vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, spinach, parsley or lettuce as rarely as possible. They have a rich content and lead to blood clots, diminishing the effect of pills. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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