What every parent needs to know about foreign auricular bodies

What every parent needs to know about foreign auricular bodies
What every parent needs to know about foreign auricular bodies

The vast majority of objects found in the ears are volunteered, usually by children, for countless reasons. It is well known that insects tend to enter the ear, especially during sleep, thus sleeping outdoors or on the floor would increase the risk of such unpleasant happenings. Cerumen in the outer ear is physiological, but it can become a problem if it gathers, blocking the auditory channel and thus causing pain or. Excessive use of ear cleansing can have negative effects, actually pushing wax and dead cells along the auditory canal, touching the eardrum and thus causing symptoms. Pain, inflammation, irritation: The skin inside the ear canal and the eardrum are very sensitive. Any inflammation or stroke is usually manifested by pain or irritation.

Children: Diagnosis can be difficult for children who are not old enough to describe the pain they feel. Reddening and swelling of the area are the main signs of an ear affection. Accumulation of wax: If wax accumulation is the cause, you will experience symptoms of \. In extreme cases, the symptoms are: vomiting or even reduced ability to maintain balance resulting from ear swelling or pressure build up at the eardrum, causing middle ear dysfunctions. As for the diagnosis, there is no one to specify the presence of a foreign auricular body, and radiological examinations are usually not recommended.

Most objects can be seen through a simple physical examination using light and some tools. Occasionally, an object can be accidentally discovered when a radiology is performed for a reason that is unrelated. It is important to note that materials such as food, wood and plastic will not be visible in a routine radiological examination. Before getting to the hospital, there is not much to be done from a medical point of view, the transport to the sanitary unit and consultation by a specialist is the only solution. If pain is high, analgesics may be given.

In case of an extreme discomfort caused by an insect, prompt treatment is needed. Insect annihilation is required before extraction. Extracting will depend on the location and the object (s) involved. The doctor may use his / her own techniques to remove the object. The most commonly used extraction method is irrigation.

Sometimes the use of water is contraindicated if there are organic objects that can increase their volume when exposed to water. Some maneuvers that can push the subject in-depth and the doctor may choose to sedate the patient, especially in the case of children. After the extraction of the foreign body, the doctor will make a final check of a, and usually do not prescribe pharmacological preparations. In the case of important infections or injuries, antibiotic treatment should be used. Some tools, such as a burger or a special hook, will be used.

If the consistency of the cerumen is strong, the doctor will push the wax toward the middle ear, then try extracting it with a crocodile forceps. The drink will be used if the wax has become occlusive. The thickness of the tubes should be carefully chosen to prevent. After removing the cerumen, the microscope will be repositioned to look for other conditions that may occur after impact. If the discomfort is too high for the patient, the extraction will be postponed for two weeks, and he will be prescribed drops in his ear twice a day.

The drops are designed to soften the cerumen and to facilitate the removal process. In the case of pediatric patients, the technique becomes more difficult. We ensure that all information is passed on to both the parent and the child in such a way that he / she understands and is quiet throughout the procedure. The child is allowed to reach the suction device to facilitate tolerance. For patients who can not tolerate this procedure, an alternative may be the use of a curette.

The procedure is tolerated without anesthesia by most patients. However, a small part of them can accuse an increased level of discomfort or even pain. There have been reports of short-term cases. Also, due to the noise produced by the microsucus device, the existing one may appear or worsen. Therefore, the microsuction should as far as possible be avoided in people who experience symptomatic tinnitus.

Ceramic hardness, ENT instrumentation or microsucution devices could cause a ringing of the auditory canal. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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