Technology, especially watching television for a long time or playing on the phone or on the tablet are the main causes that lead to the occurrence of virtual autism. This problem is based on a proper lack of development due to lack of psycho-motor and sensory stimulation. Beware, it is not a destruction of neurological links but a lack of them, because in the case of a child who is watching a lot of time on television there is no proper stimulation of the child. Therefore, it is extremely important for the parent or close child to understand that when the child is watching TV there are special changes in brain function: brain waves change, becoming predominantly those specific to the states of passivity, relaxation and. The communication between the two hemispheres is almost interrupted, left hemisphere functioning is inhibited, increasing the hemisphere's activity. It is important for a child to spend a lot of time outdoors and to take an active part in the games for the age group to which he belongs.
Also, a child needs a lot of communication with those around him and especially with his parents. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children up to two years not to be in contact with. After this age, parents can leave their babies in front of screens, but not more than two, three hours a day. .
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