What is the Panorama test and whom it is indicated to

What is the Panorama test and whom it is indicated to
What is the Panorama test and whom it is indicated to

The Panorama test is a prenatal screening test, also available in Romania for several years, which has a sensitivity and specificity of 99%. It detects tasks with girls suffering from. The most common aneuploidy is the abnormal number of chromosomes 13, 18, 21 and X. The test is performed from the ninth week of pregnancy by harvesting a maternal blood sample. The test is not indicated for women with (twins or triplets), those who have used ovules from donors or those who have performed a medullary transplant. The test is recommended for all pregnant women, but especially for those who are over 35 years of age and who are at increased risk after a bite or triple test, but also to pregnant women and women who do not want to amniocentesis.

If the result shows a high risk, it means there is a higher probability (\u003e 99%) for the fetus to be affected by one of the chromosomal abnormalities for which the test was performed. In such cases, the specialist will tell the prospective mother to certify the diagnosis indicated by the biopsy of the cortical villitis. The Panorama test provides screening for the following genetic anomalies: • Down Syndrome or Trisomy 21 is caused by the presence of an additional chromosome 21. Trisomy 21 is the most common cause of severe intellectual disability, but can also lead to other auditory or ophthalmic disorders. • Trisomy 18 is caused by the presence of an additional chromosome 18 and is also known as Edwards syndrome.

This results in severe intellectual disability, severe congenital abnormalities of the heart or brain. • Trisomy 13 is caused by the presence of an additional chromosome 13 and is also known as. Trisomy 13 causes congenital abnormalities but, unfortunately, the life expectancy of these children is only one year. • Monosome X, also known as, is caused by the absence of an X chromosome and affects only female children. People with X monosomes may experience minor intellectual difficulties.

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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