What will you feel when you meet the love you deserve

What will you feel when you meet the love you deserve
What will you feel when you meet the love you deserve

The love you deserve will not send you mixed signals. He will not invite you to a romantic dinner and he will not have a beautiful and long discussion with you until 5 o'clock in the morning just to drive you home and not to give any sign then. He will not give you false hopes, but will plant true hope and fight to conquer you. He will not tell you promises that he will not put, but will do things you do not even expect. His intentions will be clear and will not let you wonder if you misunderstand. photo interior and front page: Iaroslava Daragan, Shutterstock The love you deserve will not be a painful one.

He will not leave you with scars or traumas. It will not hurt you. It will not be immature and childish. He will not let you cry before going to bed. She will not be away from you in the middle of a heated conversation.

Because this time, love comes with different intentions. The love you deserve will not come with uncertainties. He will be sure of your relationship. It will hold you tight by being afraid of escaping. He will not judge you, nor judge your past.

Instead, he will accept you, embrace all the flaws and shortcomings. He will love you in spite of your anxieties and fears. It will protect your heart, listen to your problems, and will always be with you. The love you deserve will look at you with other eyes. He will meet you halfway down the road and keep you in touch with the most difficult storms of life.

It will strive to open doors, help you overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of your success. He will look at you with gentleness. The love you deserve will be honest with you. She will not kiss you with sweet words and empty words. When something is wrong, it will take time to solve this situation.

She will be willing to communicate with patience and compromise. The love you deserve will always choose you. It will not be selfish and will put your needs above your needs. The love you deserve will respect you. He respects all your ideas, dreams, plans and aspirations.

He'll always see what's best in you. He will welcome you with open arms. It will never discourage you. It will support you in what you want to do, motivate you and always whisper to your ear that you are the most beautiful woman in the world. The love you deserve will be striking in its simplicity and will find you faster than you think.


Source : kudika.ro

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