When they become dangerous moles?

When they become dangerous moles?
When they become dangerous moles?

There are cases where a mole may suffer certain transformations. Modified moles are called or atypical moles, and their presence and large numbers mean potential risk factors for the appearance of melanoma in the person. is an aggressive form of skin cancer which, if diagnosed early, has great chances of treatment. Great attention! . You must go to a mandatory physician if you notice an unusual mole that meets the ABCDE criteria: • Asymmetry, • irregular edges (irregular edges), • uneven, colorful color, • Diameter over 6 mm, • Rapid change in shape or color . Depending on the type of skin, choose.

It is best to buy it from the pharmacies and ask for the pharmacist's advice, it may recommend a cream depending on your skin. You also need to re-apply the shampoo every 2 hours when you sit in the sun or even in cloudy days at sea or in the mountains. • Take great care to appear after the age of 20. • Regularly go to your dermatologist for routine check-ups. With the dermatoscope, it can specify whether or not a mole is a sign of concern.

• Do not sit in the sun without adequate protection. Wear light, protective, long-sleeved clothing, wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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