Why coffee is good after surgery

Why coffee is good after surgery
Why coffee is good after surgery

Researchers have found that insomnia, which sneaks into the lives of many of us before surgery, can aggravate postoperative pain, but caffeine can help compensate for this effect. The author of the study, Dr. Giancarlo Vanini and his team at the University of Michigan recently reported their results. Studies suggest that over 80% of patients undergoing surgery are struggling with pain after the procedure, and this is moderate, severe or extreme. Previous research suggested that insufficient sleep before a surgical procedure can increase the severity of postoperative pain. The process that led dr.

Vanini to get a better understanding of how a short period of sleep deprivation can influence postoperative pain and recovery. In addition, the team investigated whether caffeine, a known stimulant, could help reduce postoperative pain. Specialists have based their studies on research on rats. In order to reach these conclusions, scientists made them a paw incision. The results showed that the rats, who had not been left to rest sufficiently, were more susceptible to pain after surgery and needed more .

Scientists then tested the effects of caffeine. They found that it reduced post-operative pain, but only in rats who did not sleep before the intervention, writes medicalnewstoday. com. Until further studies, rest remains essential before surgery, but coffee should not be forgotten. .

Source : csid.ro

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