Why do children not have to sleep face down?

Why do children not have to sleep face down?
Why do children not have to sleep face down?

The syndrome of sudden death in infants is a diagnosis that has been established after a diagnosis, and not a disease in itself that doctors take into account investigations, which do not result in any form of disease that could cause death. Babies under the age of one are likely to die. Research has shown that some of the factors leading to sudden death syndrome in infants are closely related to brain control of head and neck movement, breathing and heartbeat. This abnormality is due to neuropeptide (the protein that helps neurons to communicate), known as \. The two factors play an essential role in controlling the brain on the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system that lead to a negative response from the body behind, especially in the children sleeping on the belly. A child with such an abnormality in the brain may have deficiencies in respiratory and motor reactions to the life-threatening challenges during sleep.

Although some doctors believe that in the case of sudden death syndrome there is no system of pre-amputation, recent research has shown the existence of a series of preventive measures that parents can adopt to protect the child. • Sleeping on the back: It is essential that babies up to one year of age sleep on their back so that the risk of sudden death decreases. Sleeping on the back decreases the risk of choking, compared to. In the case of a baby with motor and respiratory vulnerability, sleeping on the belly is a major risk of death because the body can not normally respond to oxygen deprivation. Sleeping on the back decreases at the same time the risk of suffocation with other objects in the cot, so it is indicated that the baby has a sleeping space free of any other toy or materials that can endanger her life.

Also, a mattress with a high hardness is recommended to support as much as the baby's body and not to block the respiratory system. • Smoking cessation: babies born to mothers who smoke are three times more likely to develop sudden death syndrome than those whose mothers do not smoke. is a major risk of sudden death syndrome in the baby, as well as smoking around the baby. Therefore, it is recommended that the baby does not come in contact with. • Breastfeeding: Although specialists could not provide a satiety explanation, it has been observed that for as long as possible, the risk of sudden death syndrome in the infants decreases by up to 50%.

One explanation could come from the transfer of antibodies from mother to infant, which diminishes the risk of infection and thus the appearance of sudden death syndrome. At the same time, consumption is forbidden throughout the lactation period. • Sleeping in a separate bed: Studies have shown that the risk of sudden death syndrome in infants decreases if the baby sleeps in the same room with his mother, but it is dangerous to share the same bed with her or another baby. After being fed, the infant should be put back in their own bed and accidental fall into the same bed as the infant should be avoided in order to avoid an unfortunate accident. • Child Immunization: Baby Vaccination Schemes reduce the risk of infant death syndrome in the baby if they are done on time and discussed with a specialist.

Child-specific vaccines help reduce risk, according to experts, although there is no special vaccine against sudden death syndrome. • Appropriate clothing: the baby must be protected from weathering, but excess can lead to overheating of the baby's body and thus increase the risk of sudden death syndrome. It should be dressed appropriately in light and comfortable clothes for sleeping. Another factor is room temperature. It has to be comfortable for the adult and so will be comfortable for the baby.

Socket: Sleeping baby sleeping can prevent the sudden death syndrome in infants. Specialists, although they do not know the cause, agree that using one can help the baby go beyond critical time. It is preferable that a baby who is breastfed should have a pacifier but should not be forced to use or sleep with her. Until now, sudden death syndrome in infants is the most common cause of death in babies. Sudden death syndrome in the baby is not yet fully understood by specialists, but quick steps are taken to explain environmental risk factors such as maternal and prenatal factors, smoking during pregnancy, or sleeping and mattress position.

Research done so far also confirms the existence of genetic risk factors. The interaction between these two categories of risk factors has a real role in the occurrence and, unfortunately, there is no practical way to determine the risk of occurrence or a safe and proven prevention strategy, the reduction of risk factors represents the most . However, sudden death syndrome in infants appears very rarely and should not affect the relationship between parents and babies. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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