Why do I have to respect the main meals?

Why do I have to respect the main meals?
Why do I have to respect the main meals?

Most nutritionists claim that for a healthy body it is advisable to respect the three main meals and two composed snacks, preferably from fruits and vegetables. Moreover, people who comply with this rule of healthy meals are at a lower risk of developing, over time, certain types of cancer. Also, they would not. The fact is that poor nutrition is the basis of many diseases. For example, when a man, either for lack of time or for any other reason, jumps to tables and tends to eat chaotically, he may be at risk of illness. The explanation is that the body gets into panic, starting to store in the fat cells everything that is ingested.

On the other hand, by observing the five meals one can control the feeling of hunger. While eating a meal, but eating sweets or fast food, the hunger will be felt throughout the day. This is explained by the fact that blood sugar rises sharply and decreases as suddenly, so the constant. It must be remembered that the satiety is set up after 20 minutes after I have finished eating. Another very important rule is that we should not omit breakfast.

This meal is important because it provides energy for the day. Those who skip breakfast can have weight problems, are always tired and have a low. At breakfast you can eat light ham, fish, skimmed milk, and vegetables. Lunch is the second important meal of the day and often the richest in calories. Dinner must be until 19 o'clock.

00 and make it calmer. It is recommended that the two snacks are made up of fresh fruit and vegetables. The morning snack, which is usually served at school by pupils and at the office by adults, must be made up of the nutrients necessary to provide your energy for at least half a day. For example, you can opt for fresh vegetables, fruits, or crackers. The afternoon snack can be light and can consist of a shortened yoghurt or fresh fruit.

Meals at fixed hours can also be the secret of one. It's not hard to keep up with the fixed hours for the meal, it's all about being well-organized and doing a routine of eating the same hour, daily. It should also be stressed that fixed meal times are important because it regulates carbohydrate metabolism and helps to avoid hunger. It is very important to avoid as much as possible the type of food because besides fattening it is neither healthy. At the same time, it is advisable not to abuse candy and carbonated beverages.

They can produce real imbalances in the body. Beyond observing the five meals a day is important and eating healthy. Ideally, the diet should be composed of lean chicken and turkey, eggs, oats, tuna, mackerel,. Excess pork is not recommended. You should not forget to do at least 30 minutes a day, which plays an extremely important role in regulating appetite and maintaining health at optimum odds.

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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