• The imminent drop of falling, vertical collapse • Confusion, disorientation • Blurred vision • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea • Changes in heart rate • Panic,. Dizziness is more common in summer, on high temperatures, and in spring, when the body is weaker and tries to replenish its vitamin and mineral stock after the cold season. Dizziness can cause a multitude of factors or medical conditions. Thus, they can be caused by viral or bacterial ear infections, head trauma, or circulatory disorders affecting the inner ear or the brain. They can be triggered as a result of medical treatment, advanced age, nervous system and circulatory or arthritic disorders. Dizziness can also occur in the case of diseases such as increased or decreased tension, or due to infections in the brain, such as.
And it can cause dizziness. Alcohol intoxication is also another cause of balance disorder. Migraines also have the effect of vertigo and headache. Vertigo may also be one of the symptoms, the patient reporting dizziness and loss of consciousness. Depending on the cause of dizziness, appropriate treatment will also be chosen.
vertigo. It is a sensation of strong dizziness, rotating the room or objects around the affected person and may be accompanied by nausea or loss of balance. Symptoms of vertigo are: nausea, vomiting, paleness, anxiety, fear and sometimes fainting. These symptoms are caused by multiple connections between the vestibular organ and the autonomic nervous system. On the other hand, vertigo that accompanies certain cerebral diseases is rarely an isolated symptom.
It usually occurs alongside other neurological symptoms such as: double vision, weakness in the upper or lower limbs, numbness or sting at various parts of the body, loss of consciousness. Meniere's disease. Internal ear disorders can cause disturbances of balance. One of them is Meniere's disease, which is manifested by vertigo. The patient will have the feeling that everything rotates around him, the affection presenting episodes of irregular hearing loss and ear loudness.
migraines. Dizziness is associated in many cases with persistence. Vertigo and headache appear in the form of an attack, but between attacks the patient does not experience dizziness or headache. Ears of the ear. The patient should consult an ENT specialist to determine the correct diagnosis.
The duration of the vertigo must be followed; . If drowsiness persists for several hours and is also accompanied by auditory phenomena, the treatment will be prescribed by the ENT physician. .
Source : sfatulmedicului.ro
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