Why does passion couple disappear?

Why does passion couple disappear?
Why does passion   couple disappear?

We live in a rush of time. We pay attention to the things that are related to our career, but we forget about the one next to us. We forget to pay attention to it, love, let our careless feelings lie over our feelings. Most of the time, passion fades because the two partners do not do the things they used to do at the beginning of the relationship. Caught in the gulf of life, they forget to invest time and energy in their relationship and no longer actively manifest their love for each other. At the age of first youth, people need love, they need the explosion and the euphoria of love.

Hormones are the ones who want to feed our souls with love and passion, How to Express Your Love There are a few simple ways that two people can express their love and through which they can give a refresh of their relationship to feel the same euphoria as the beginning. At the same time, the gift is a sign of love to the partner with whom I am in the relationship, a gift that I give to my soul because I feel it, and not because there is a special occasion, Help is another important aspect. The couple relationship has a special chapter, division of tasks. Both partners need to invest time in their relationship, time for restaurant, theater, travel, and time for conversations on different themes, Negligence, the enemy of the couple The time that the two people spend together must not be quantitative but rather qualitative because this creates the connection between the two partners. It is important for both partners to remain concerned with both their own person and the other, understanding the importance and importance of attention to their own needs, but also of their partner.

In short, the presence status, in relation to the partner and the couple relationship, helps them to see, to feel and finally to know what is happening with the one next to them. The idea of ​​doing nothing for their relationship means laziness, and negligence endangers the couple. Delusion may be in terms of physical appearance and personal care or may be related to maintaining an unpleasant emotional state. Taking care of them, their hygiene means respect for them and their partner. At the same time, a lack of concern for their health can become a reason for dissatisfaction, concern, helplessness and even pain for partner.


Source : csid.ro

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