is a transition metal with the atomic number 40 and the Zr symbol. In order to be used in dentistry, pure zirconium should be converted to crystalline phase. This produces zirconium oxide, a white material with a structure similar to that of dental ceramics. So, technically speaking, pure zirconia is a metal, the crystallized form used in dentistry (zirconia) has rather the properties of a ceramic than a metal. Zirconium has many advantages that make it widely used in dental work: • it is extremely tough and resistant • it has a white color and characteristic translucency, which improves its aesthetic qualities • zirconium-based works will have a . In the vast majority of cases, a traditional dental implant is made up of two parts: • The bone part (or the \.
• Artificial bust is a prosthetic device that attaches to dental implants after the healing and osteointegration process has ended. Over the artificial bonnets will be built the work on the implants designed (dental crown, dental bridge or a mobilizable prosthesis) Initially, both parts of the implant were made of titanium. The introduction of zirconium into the structure of the dental implants was gradually made: • In the first phase, only artificial implants of the implants were made of zirconium while the bone part of the implant was also made of titanium. This change was made primarily for aesthetic purposes; . In 2011, the first full zirconium implant was launched on the market.
Zirconium implants are no longer composed of two parts, the whole structure (bone implant and artificial bust) being a single piece. Are zirconium implants better than titanium? A question that many patients may ask. In the following, we will try a brief comparison between titanium implants and integral zirconium implants. How does titanium implants work? To better understand the differences between the two types of implants, a few words about titanium implants. Titanium alloys have been used in medicine for a long time.
These alloys have a special resistance, are not toxic, are resistant to corrosion and are extremely well tolerated by the body, thus favoring the process of osteointegration (the process by which the bone implant is formed around the dental implant, resulting in increased stability and integration into the body . Titanium implants have an excellent success rate (over 95%) and have been used for over 30 years in implantology. For this reason, titanium implants are supported by many long-term studies while zirconium implants have not yet allowed such studies, appearing relatively recently. Certain researchers warn of the possibility of allergic reactions to titanium. Even if allergy to titanium implants is not excluded, such reactions occur extremely rarely, and if they occur, it is more due to the elements that come into the composition of the titanium alloys (nickel or vanadium) and not the titanium itself.
It is also true that no zirconium allergic reactions have been reported so far. There are pluses and minuses for each material and usually the recommendation of a particular type of implant is made depending on the clinical case and the claims of each patient. The price of a zirconium implant will always be higher than a titanium implant because zirconium is more expensive than titanium. Furthermore, titanium implants are used on a larger scale and the cost of manufacturing such an implant is lower. Integration into the body Both materials have proven to be highly biocompatible and will react well with body tissues.
Titanium implants have the advantage of a longer research period while studies of zirconium implants are still quite limited. Positioning and other clinical aspects Titanium implants have been the \. Consequently, the positioning and loading techniques of these implants have become routine for many physicians. On the other hand, placing zirconium implants requires more attention. Because they are made in one piece, these implants can not be \.
This last aspect becomes particularly important in the case of extensive works (for example, when all the teeth are missing from an arcade). Unlike zirconium implants, titanium implants give the doctor more freedom; . Aesthetics In most situations, Titanium implants allow for works with good aesthetics. However, some patients are worried about the appearance of a gray line in the gums due to metallic bonnets. Replacing metal zipper clips can greatly improve the situation.
On the other hand, zirconium implants will always provide excellent aesthetic results. The white color and characteristic translucency of the zirconium will give a very natural look to the reconstruction, and the problem of \. Risk Of Gingival InflammationIn general, any type of dental implant increases the risk of dental plaque depositing that can cause gingival inflammation. This is also the reason why oral hygiene of patients with dental implants should be exemplary. Some researchers claim that zirconium implants have a small advantage because their structure is in one piece, there are no connections where bacteria may stagnate.
Consequently, the gums will tolerate much better this type of implant, the risk of gum inflammation being reduced. Resistance and durabilityTitanium implants are extremely strong and resist fractures very well. Even if zirconium has a lower elasticity (which increases the risk of micro fractures), zirconium implants are also durable and durable. With so much information available, it is not surprising that many patients have difficulties in choosing the right implant. Titanium implants are supported by far more studies.
They have served implantology for over 30 years and there is clear evidence of their success rate. This does not mean that zirconium implants should be neglected but only that data about this type of implants is still limited. It will take some time before the studies confirm or defeat their qualities. If the aesthetics of titanium implants are worrying, do not forget that you can also use the \. In such situations, a titanium implant with an artificial zirconium can be the best solution.
The dental implant is undoubtedly one of the most debated subjects in dentistry. Access for a complete dental implant guide, in which we have tried to select all the important information on this subject. .
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