11 remedies for colds and flu that you can do at home

11 remedies for colds and flu that you can do at home
11 remedies for colds and flu that you can do at home

Chicken Soup Chicken Chicken can not be a cure, but it's an excellent choice when you're sick. Research suggests that savoring a chicken soup dish with vegetables can slow the movement of neutrophils in the body. are a common type of white blood cell. They help protect your body from infection. When they move slowly, they remain concentrated especially in the areas of the body that require the most healing. The study showed that chicken soup was effective in reducing the symptoms of upper respiratory infections, especially.

The low-salt soup also has excellent nutritional value and helps keep you hydrated. It's a good choice, no matter how you feel. GingerBenefits for health have been promoted for centuries, but now we have scientific evidence about its curative properties. Some slices of fresh ginger root in boiling water can help calm the cough or sore throat. Research suggests that they can also improve the feeling of nausea often accompanying flu.

For example, one study found that only 1 gram of ginger can \. Get a ginger tea and start to feel its soothing benefits. MiereMiere possesses a variety of antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Honey added to lemon tea can ease the sore throat. In a study, researchers found that giving 10 grams of honey before bedtime reduced the severity of coughing symptoms.

Children slept better, which also helps to reduce the symptoms of the cold. You should never give honey to a child younger than 1 year because honey often contains botulinum spores. Although usually innocuous for older and older children, infants are unable to eliminate them. GarlicThe garlic contains the allycin compound, which may have antimicrobial properties. Adding a Garlic Supplement to Your Diet.

could reduce the severity of the cold symptoms. According to some research, it may even help you avoid getting sick first. More research is needed on the potential benefits of fighting against colds of garlic. Meanwhile, garlic supplementation in your diet. probably will not hurt you.

EchinaceaThe American Nazis have used the green parts and plant roots to treat infections for more than 400 years. Its active ingredients include flavonoids, chemicals that have many therapeutic effects on the body, such as boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation. The results of research on the effectiveness of the plant in fighting common cold and influenza are shared. But one of these suggests that echinacea can reduce the risk of common cold by more than 50%. It can also reduce the duration of a cold.

If you are a healthy adult, consider administering 1 to 2 grams of root or green echinacea as tea for up to one week. Vitamin C plays an important role in your body. , with many benefits for health. Together with green lemons, oranges, grapefruit, green vegetables and other fruits and vegetables, lemons are a good source of vitamin C. Adding fresh lemon juice to hot tea with honey can reduce your phlegm when you are sick.

The consumption of hot or cold lemonade can also help. Although these beverages may not completely get rid of the cold, they can help you get the vitamin C that the immune system needs. Vitamin C sufficiency can relieve upper respiratory tract infections and other diseases. ProbioticsProbiotics are \. These can help you maintain your intestinal health and immune system and research shows that they can reduce your chances of getting sick with a higher airway infection.

For a delicious and nutritious source of useful bacteria, include probiotic yogurt in your diet. Besides the potential benefits for the immune system, yogurt is a healthy snack that offers a great deal of protein and calcium. Look for the products that label live bacteria on the label. Salty waterGargara with salt water may help prevent upper respiratory infections and may decrease the severity of cold symptoms. For example, it can ease pain in the throat and.

The saltwater gargle reduces and destroys the mucus, which contains bacteria and allergens. To try this remedy at home, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass full of water. Walk the mixture around your mouth and throat, then spit it out. Decongestant Ointments You may not like the smell, but some top-class topical ointments can reduce the symptoms of colds in children over 2 years of age. Only one or two bedtime applications can help to open the airway, to fight congestion, reduce cough and improve sleep.

Decongestant ointments are favored by some doctors who encourage parents to avoid taking cold medicines without prescribing to young children due to unwanted side effects. HumidityThe thriat thrives and spreads more easily in dry environments. Increasing house moisture can reduce exposure to this virus that causes flu. increased can also reduce nasal inflammation, making breathing easier when you are sick. Temporarily add a cold steam humidifier to your bedroom.

can help you feel more comfortable. This is especially true in winter, when the dry heat inside can exacerbate the symptoms. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil could also stimulate your breathing. Remember that the water used in humidifiers must be changed daily to prevent the growth of mold and other fungi. To get the same effect without a humidifier, take a long shower or sit in a steam bath.

Hot bathsUnfortunately, you can relax with a hot bath. Warm baths can also reduce the symptoms of colds and flu in adults. Adding salt and sodium bicarbonate to water can reduce body pain. Adding a few drops of essential oil, such as tea tree, juniper, rosemary, thyme, orange, lavender or eucalyptus, can also have a calming effect. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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