11 things that every woman needs to know about menopause

11 things that every woman needs to know about menopause
11 things that every woman needs to know about menopause

This occurs after the age of 40, up to 55 (after this age is considered late in menopause) naturally, although we can also speak of artificial menopause, triggered by certain factors: chemotherapy, radiotherapy. There are situations in which menopause can show signs and before age, but in Romania the average age is 48-49 years. Early menopause can be genetically determined but also caused by certain factors: • Ovaryctomy (ovarian ablation) • Radiotherapy • Autoimmune diseases • Smoking. Menopause has three stages: • Premenopause is the period when fertility and estrogen production begin to decrease, becoming irregular. • Menopause is the definitive stop of the menstrual cycle. Postmenopause, represented by the low level, is not a fixed duration period.

Symptomatology may persist for a long time, the main cause being the presence of low fat tissue, which causes a greater decrease in estrogen levels. -, framed in the picture of neurovegetative disorders, are considered to be the most common. They also manifest a sensation of warmth in the upper body: head, neck; . They appear especially during the night, causing the panic; . Vaginal dryness causes pain during intercourse, sometimes mild bleeding - (joint pain) - Dental and gum disease - Tachycardia - Exacerbations of already existing cardiovascular disease - Weight gain - Depressed and increased depression .

Breathing exercises have been shown to be effective for hot flashes. They can also reduce their frequency by avoiding: - Caffeine and alcohol consumption - Spicy foods - Stress - - High temperatures. Long-term hormonal therapies, antidepressants, are often used as medication, but under close supervision. For slowing down bone demineralization, calcium supplements, vitamin D, phosphorus. Tips for maintaining bone health: - Consume foods rich in calcium daily.

- Food supplements (complex). -. - Reducing alcohol consumption. - Avoiding smoking. Hormonal frustrations, poor rest, loss of muscle mass are just a few of the important weight gain factors.

By focusing on a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and sports we can keep weight under control and avoid cardiac complications. The human body can be described as a \. It is very important to know our body for better symptom management. A specialized opinion can help you better understand each symptom, thus managing to keep a natural course of everyday life. is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus.

Installing menopause can occur naturally if the ovaries are not removed. Their functionality can be verified by a blood test. This test can provide information on the level of estrogen, which may be the main factor in triggering osteoporosis. Menopause is not a disease, it's just a physiological change - that's why it should not be treated. As symptoms become difficult to support, treatment can help improve them, but not before excluding the other options: • A healthy lifestyle; • A based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, nuts; .

Until recently, hormone therapy or estrogen-progesterone-containing medicines have been considered protectors against heart disease, but were subsequently found to cause stroke. Long-term use hormone therapy can also cause breast cancer. Hot flashes: short-term hormone therapy with serotonin, antidepressants, clonidine. Vaginal atrophy: a vaginal lubricant, estrogen-containing creams may be used. In case of hormonal treatment, it is recommended to have control at six months.

Another method of therapy is bioidentical hormone replacement, for which the hormones are a laboratory product obtained from the roots of wild plants or soybeans. This method of therapy has the same risks. Because of the adverse effects of hormonal substitution, most women have chosen alternative methods such as: • Acupuncture • Meditative breathing exercises • Biofeedback • Soy consumption • Keeping a cool environment • A multi-layer clothing. Remember: Menopause is a natural process in a woman's life and represents the ending of the reproductive period, the level of estrogen and progesterone being low. This low level of estrogen can cause osteoporosis, cardiovascular and gynecological complications, which is why several rules must be observed.

In order to have control over the symptoms, which can often be difficult to support, we need to adopt a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet rich in vitamin D that requires daily movement. Thus, we can diminish the side effects of menopause and understand the process in all its complexity. Call the specialist whenever needed to explain the whole process and help you overcome critical moments. .

Source : sfatulmedicului.ro

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