14 reasons to drink more water

14 reasons to drink more water
14 reasons to drink more water

Especially now, summer, our body needs water. Because dehydration has serious repercussions on our health, here are below 14 reasons why water is so important in your life. Counting up to eight Water naturally suppresses appetite and helps your body metabolize stored fat, basically reducing fat deposits. If you want to stay slender, drink eight glasses of water a day. Water improves tonus Consumption of an adequate amount of water helps maintain muscle tone while maintaining normal muscle contraction. So avoiding dehydration keeps your muscular tonus and at the same time rejuvenates.

Do not expect to be thirsty If you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Try to drink a little and often during the day so you will not get thirsty. Especially in the summer when you sweat lightly. Drinking Simple Liquids Alcohol and beverages containing caffeine, especially coffee and cola, do not protect you against dehydration but rather cause it. They choose their place for flat water.

Water gives you energy Feeling of anxiety and confusion, dryness of the skin, accelerating heartbeats, hypotension, and even fainting can be signs of dehydration. Fluid Reservoirs You can supplement your fluids by eating raw fruits and vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, lettuce, melon, citrus, apple). All this contains plenty of water. Regular Sorbing Dehydration has an important effect on concentration. If you are dehydrated, you will cease to think clearly and specialists appreciate that this is why many people feel more affectionate in the afternoon.

To stay focused, drink water throughout the day. Protects muscles with water Body water is associated with muscle glycogen in a ratio of 4 grams of water to 1 gram of glycogen. If you lack the body of water or food, these links are dissociated, and even if you can weaken in this way, it is not the most appropriate way. Water = Health Water represents between 50% and 70% of the human body and is the essential component of blood, lymph, gastric juices, urine and sweat. Without it, the body can not simply work, so specialists recommend eating a liter and a half, two liters a day.

It may not seem important, but a 2% reduction in body weight - 1 liter for a 68-pound woman - will cause short-term memory impairment, difficulty in elementary arithmetic operations and concentration issues. Bring your cholesterol When dehydrated, your body produces cholesterol that surrounds cells to protect fluids from inside. In the long run, this mechanism can affect overall health. Do you want to lose weight? . That's why water is so important for accelerating metabolism.

Water Day If it does not look pink and fleshy, you can be dehydrated or have a chronic health problem, such as blood glucose.

Source : csid.ro

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