3 Foods for Your Daily Diet

3 Foods for Your Daily Diet
3 Foods for Your Daily Diet

There are plenty of foods that are not as healthy as they say, but there are also foods that will never disappoint your body and sustain your health. Here are three foods you should eat daily. indoor photo and home page: Gita Kulinitch Studio, Shutterstock1. oats. Oatmeal is beneficial to your heart and reduces bad cholesterol. They give you energy and contain protein, so it's better to eat it at breakfast.

Prepare quickly and you can eat it with milk or yogurt. After this meal, you will have enough energy to start the day and finish the tasks you need to complete. There are many benefits you will get from oatmeal flakes, one of the biggest being that it provides high fiber levels, low fat levels and high protein levels. It also protects your heart and reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes. 2.

garlic. It supports your entire health and helps regulate blood pressure. Garlic is richer in Germanium - an anti-cancer agent than any other herb. Garlic helps strengthen the body's body against allergies and diminishes plaque in artery walls. Contains proteins, potassium, vitamins A, B, B2 and C, calcium, zinc.

You can include garlic at each meal. There are plenty of tricks to stop the unpleasant smell like eating a lemon sliced ​​or lemon juice drink. Eat garlic with yogurt before going to bed to get the most out of your life. 3. blueberries.

Blueberries can successfully replace any dessert or snack and give you benefits like no other food. Blueberries are very rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Complex B, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Copper (a highly effective and antibacterial immune builder), Selenium, Zinc, Iron that promotes immunity by increasing hemoglobin and oxygen in the blood, . Blueberries are one of the best foods for your brain, neutralizing the free radicals that can cause illness and aging of the body. Antioxidants in their blueberries help prevent cancer, abdominal fat and help keep your skin smooth. Manaca cranberry after meals, when choosing for sugar or breakfast.

Source : kudika.ro

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