3 ways to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer

3 ways to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer
3 ways to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer

There is no safe way to prevent the diagnosis of ovarian cancer during life. That's because there is now no good screening method for the disease and any early symptoms like bloating are easily confused with those of other health problems. But that does not mean you have no control. While you can not change the two main risk factors for ovarian cancer - you are a woman and your age, there are a lot of other risk factors you can avoid. Here are some things you can do to significantly decrease your chances of being diagnosed with such a form of cancer: Using oral contraceptives Research has shown that women taking contraceptives have a lower chance of developing ovarian cancer. This protection increases the duration of administration of the pills and can take up to 35 years.

In addition, reduced risk may occur earlier than three to six months after starting contraception. But there are risks associated with contraceptives, including heart attacks and blood clots that block the arteries, so it is not recommended for all women to take contraceptives to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. Go to a gynecological checklist and make a recommended physician's schedule before starting a contraceptive treatment. Maintaining a Healthy Weight Obesity is a risk factor for ovarian cancer, especially if you are or have been obese in adolescence and immediately after. People who suffer from obesity may be more prone to die of ovarian cancer.

Obesity has been shown to be a rising risk factor for many cancers, and there is a link between obesity and ovarian cancer caused by estrogen variations in the body. This is one more reason for having a normal weight, so if it is the case, grab your weight as soon as possible. Adopting a low-fat diet A supple silhouette can help prevent ovarian cancer, and the best way to do this is through a healthy diet and exercise. Research suggests that, following a low-fat diet, you can lower the risk of ovarian cancer. One study has indicated that fats from animal sources are particularly blamed for ovarian cancer.

It is a good idea to have a diet composed mostly of vegetables, together with fruits and other herbal foods. Consume red meat only on special occasions and, if possible, sausages take them out of the diet. .

Source : csid.ro

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