4 Serious Reasons To Eat Turmeric Daily

4 Serious Reasons To Eat Turmeric Daily
4 Serious Reasons To Eat Turmeric Daily

Studies show that curcumin, a turmeric bioactive compound, can treat depression, anxiety, brain aging and any abnormal condition where inflammation is present. But unfortunately, very few turmeric preparations work well and provide the body with the expected benefits. The powder is golden and has an interesting flavor, close to that of an orange mixed with ginger. Nutritional supplements with turmeric extract raises mood, eliminates stress and anxiety, protects the brain from aging and helps in the prophylaxis and treatment of those degenerative diseases that have as common foe inflammation. The whole body is the recipient of the protection of curcumin when it is bioavailable. Only one molecule in nature can be compared to curcumin, EGCg (epigalocatechin galate), coming from fresh green tea, Dr.

. Horaţiu Albu. This is why this remarkable compound is nutritional Protects the brain Cognitive impairments reduce learning and memory, ultimately leading to dementia and Alzheimer's. These disorders are linked to lower levels of neurotrophic factor derived from the brain, and curcumin may increase its level, helping to delay or even reverse cognitive impairment. It is a powerful antioxidant that easily crosses the blood-brain barrier to protect brain cells from the devastating action of free radicals.

It can improve memory and concentration by increasing blood flow to the brain and therefore it is advisable to be consumed daily, Dr. . Horaţiu Albu. One study found that curcumin supplementation improves cerebral blood flow as well as exercise. Another study found that administering a certain daily dose of curcumin significantly improved attention and working memory in older people.

Anti-inflammatory effect Curcumin acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory. Studies show that if it reaches optimal tissue concentrations, it combats any type of inflammation, including even those from acute illness such as intestinal inflammatory disease, pancreatitis, arthritis and previous chronic uveitis. Chronic inflammation can be called a silent killer who contributes to eight of the top ten leading causes of death. Chronic inflammation of the brain slows the production of energy in its cells, causing a number of inconveniences that start with some less serious (asthenia and mental fatigue), some serious and very serious. Anxiety, depression, nebulosity in thought and expression, disturbances or even loss of memory) and ending with those cataclysmic for the body such as serious neurological diseases such as strokes, Alzheimer's disease, etc.

. Improves heart health Curcumin has also been shown to reduce harmful cholesterol, eliminate plaque accumulation in the arteries and prevent blood clotting. Researchers are still studying it for its health benefits. Help in arthritis and other osteoarticular inflammations Curcumin is known to have antiarthritic properties. A recent study was conducted on a group of 45 people who were suffering from this type of problem.

Those who introduced curcumin into their daily regimen experienced an improvement in arthritic symptoms. The beneficial effects of curcumin can be traced back to its daily use, as with anti-inflammatory drugs, but without side-effects. As well as beneficial effects, many specialists consider curcumin to have an anti-inflammatory activity at least as intense as anti-inflammatory allopathy drugs in medical practice.

Source : csid.ro

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