5 natural remedies to combat headaches

5 natural remedies to combat headaches
5 natural remedies to combat headaches

Whether it's a painful or strong pain, the medicine drawer is the first one we're headed to. Pills are not the only solution to get rid of a headache or migraine that often comes with nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound. In general, you can combat headaches and natural remedies. Even more, you can even prevent them. Make changes in diet. Before resorting to analgesics, try to fight headaches with a proper diet.

Add more foods containing magnesium, such as whole grain cereals, and riboflavin (vitamin B2) found in low fat milk and eggs. Trying to eliminate those foods that can trigger migraines. First of all, however, it is essential to ensure that the diet you have is balanced. Plant choice. Some herbs can play an essential role in relieving pain.

Ginger helps to combat the symptoms of migraines and works as an anti-inflammatory, while spilcuĹŁa (the grass of the face) helps to reduce constriction of blood vessels, which contributes to triggering headache. You can also eat peppermint oil on your forehead, because it gives you a relaxed state, but not only so. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it calms the pain and relaxes the muscles. Go to yoga. Are you suffering from chronic headache? .

Research suggests that yoga movements can reduce the intensity and frequency of migraines and can also help reduce the need for medication. Yoga can also be your ally in the fight with stress, one of the major causes of headache. Try acupuncture. Small, thin needles that are used in the ancient form of Chinese medicine can offer great benefits when it comes to migraines and headaches. A new study demonstrates that acupuncture can help prevent attacks and, unlike pills, has no side effects.

Sleep longer. Specialists believe that when we do not sleep enough we can often have headaches and tensions. In other words, make your rest a priority. If insomnia tries you, it's good to ask for help from a doctor. It can help you get the sleep you need, and so you will have less headaches and a better general feeling.

Causes of migraines headache can have multiple causes. Environmental factors such as changing humidity or temperature, changing altitude or barometric pressure, strong winds and heat or cold can trigger a migraine. A recent study suggests that lightning may trigger a migraine in some people. Even fruits and snacks can be blamed for painful migraines. Foods that can trigger headaches: ripened cheeses, cream, nuts, figs, raisins, avocados, bananas, hot dogs and alcoholic beverages.

Source : csid.ro

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