5 tricks that can help you get rid of your memory

5 tricks that can help you get rid of your memory
5 tricks that can help you get rid of your memory

The way you live, what you eat and drink, but also how you treat your body, all of this can affect your memory as much as your physical health. Even if the memory loss you have to think about Alzheimer's, it can only be your lifestyle. Here are five things you can do every day to keep your mind alive and your healthy body! . But the problem remains anxiety, which may affect your psyche. If you do not have a strategy for managing stress, protecting memory can be an essential reason. Deep breathing and meditation can help.

Try to have a good night's sleep! . If night sleep can help boost your memories, insomnia can disrupt your entire body. Unfortunately, many of the medicines you can take for insomnia can also affect your memory and brain function. Therefore, it is better to try natural remedies and take medicines only if these steps do not help you. If you need pills, however, use the lowest dose.

Quit smoking! . People who smoke more than two packs of cigarettes a day at mid-life risk twice as much to develop dementia at an advanced age, compared to non-smokers. However, those who quit smoking and those who smoke less than half a packet a day have a similar risk of dementia as those who have never smoked. Drink moderate alcohol! . Excessive intake increases the risk of memory loss and accompanies you with dementia.

Alcoholics have difficulties in fulfilling short-term tasks, such as memorizing lists. Another type of memory loss associated with alcohol consumption is Korsakoff Syndrome. In this state, the vitamin B1 deficiency and the toxic effects of alcohol on the brain can trigger sudden and dramatic amnesia. In some cases, this memory loss becomes permanent. Be careful not to hurt your head! .

Therefore, it is advisable to be able to hear it when riding a bicycle or motorcycle, skating or skating. Also, do not give up the seat belt when you drive. Car accidents are by far the most common cause of brain damage, but wearing a seatbelt greatly reduces your chances of seriously injuring your head. .

Source : csid.ro

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