6 tricks to be more patient

6 tricks to be more patient
6 tricks to be more patient

In a world of instant gratification, agglomerated traffic and queues at the gondola during winter, patience is a cornerstone. Even when we grow spiritually, we need patience. It takes time for the seeds that we plant to turn into plants. Here are six tricks that will help you be more patient. What you need to do to have more patience 1. The Practice of Gratitude One of the quickest ways to feel better about the current situation is to make the balance of all the things worthwhile to be grateful.

The fact that you are alive, you have access to Internt and you have not got a flaman in the last 24 hours are just two of them. 2. Breathe deeply Impatience can feel just like stress. Focus on what you do not already have on the amygdala, alert the brain and prevent the prefrontal cortex from making clear decisions. Deep breathing prevents this effect.

3. Take action Sometimes you feel lost, stuck or even do not know what to do. In this situation, it is better to do just what makes you feel good. Take a bath, run, listen to jolly music and dance in underwear. Sometimes, intuition can tell you to do certain things.

Source : kudika.ro

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