7 foods that make up your cholesterol

7 foods that make up your cholesterol
7 foods that make up your cholesterol

Choose nuts for snacks. Stir the salad with a little olive oil. Enjoy a piece of salmon for dinner. These are just some of the strategies that will help you fight high cholesterol levels. Here are 7 of the foods that can significantly contribute to lowering LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the blood. Soy is a healthy and delicious alternative to meat and cheese, both of which have large amounts of saturated fat.

And as one of the most effective things you can do to lower cholesterol in the blood is to reduce the amount of saturated fat in the diet, soy is the ideal option. Why are saturated fats good for your heart? . Saturated fats are usually found in animal products such as whole milk, cream, butter, cheese, beef, pig, lamb. Beyond successfully replacing saturated fats in food, soy contains isoflavones, which make an important contribution to lowering LDL cholesterol. How to introduce it into your diet: are not you familiar with soy foods? .

Then you will discover that there are a variety of soy alternatives in the supermarket for meat, sausage and anything you do traditionally, so you can try it with confidence. Beans Beans Besides wheat bran, there is no fiber richer than grain beans. It is rich in soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol. If you consume a cup of any type of beans a day, your cholesterol level will drop by up to 10% in 6 weeks. Soluble fibers form in the water a kind of gel that acts as a dressing on the intestinal tract, preventing the reabsorption of cholesterol in the body.

This is why soluble fiber contributes to lowering cholesterol levels, thus lowering the risk of heart disease. Soluble fibers are also found in oats, brown rice, apples, carrots, and most fruits and vegetables. How to put it into your diet: The most convenient thing to do is to have canned beans of several kinds to add a cup of berries in salads, vegetable chilli, baked potatoes or even sandwiches. Salmon Salmon contains certain types of fat that protect you against cholesterol growth. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in other cold water fish, help lower LDL cholesterol, increase HDL cholesterol, and lower triglyceride levels.

In addition, salmon is also an excellent source of protein. How to introduce it into the diet: choose the wild salmon, as much as possible, prepare it at the grill or in the oven and eat with him and green salad. Avocado Avocado is an excellent source of monounsaturated fats, beneficial to the heart and responsible for lowering LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). Additionally, avocados have the highest amount of beta-sitosterol that is found in a fruit, a vegetable fat that is a weapon that can be redone to fight cholesterol. Beta-sitosterol reduces the amount of cholesterol that we absorb from food, so this combination of monounsaturated fats and beta-betasitosterol is an excellent solution to bring cholesterol to a normal level.

How to introduce it into your diet: being an extremely versatile fruit, you can combine it with virtually anything: from salads, sauces, sandwiches, smoothies or even grilled, avocado can take place at your daily table, easily. You need to take care of the amount you eat, because it is a high calorie fruit. Garlic For thousands of years garlic has been used in almost all world cultures and not just for protection against evil forces. Its nutritional value and aroma have turned it into basic ingredients in many of the kitchens. Recent research has revealed that garlic lowers cholesterol, prevents blood clots, reduces blood pressure, and protects against infections.

How does it work? . How to put it in the diet: add it to soups, cooked food, even on pizza. Spinach Spinach contains lutein, a pigment found in dark green plants. Lutein has already a good reputation for protection against age-related macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness. In recent studies, researchers suggest that eating half a cup of high-fiber lutein per day prevents heart attack because it prevents blockage of arteries due to cholesterol.

How to put it into a diet: in salads, baked, parmesan, pizza, even pasta, any choice you choose, benefit from its exceptional qualities. Nuts A diet rich in healthy monounsaturated fats has proven to be healthier for the heart than a poor fat one. Walnuts also have vitamin E, magnesium and phytonutrients that help maintain heart health and are also rich in omega-3. People who consume nuts have less heart problems than those who did not feed them. In addition, healthy monounsaturated fats are good for joints.

How to introduce them into food: the secret is moderation, because the walnuts are very rich in calories. Store a jar of chopped nuts in the fridge and add two tablespoons daily in cereals, salads, yoghurt or cooked vegetables. Or combine your favorite walnuts, whether they are almonds, peanuts, cashew nuts or Brazil nuts with dried fruits and consume them as snacks.

Source : csid.ro

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