7 reasons why it is good to be pregnant in the summer!

7 reasons why it is good to be pregnant in the summer!
7 reasons why it is good to be pregnant in the summer!

Studies show that over 50% of women want to be pregnant during the summer months due to rich orchards, fruits and vegetables of all kinds. However, there is a lower percentage of women who are afraid of pregnancy during hot summer days. But once they have thoroughly analyzed the situation, they have realized that there are actually a few serious reasons to ease pregnancy during the summer season. Some are obvious, but others may not be thought of in the first instance, Silviu Iştoc, primary obstetrician-gynecologist. It's a great time for outdoor exercise. Walking and swimming are the most beneficial sports for future mothers.

Both are low impact, offer great cardio benefits and are a perfect reason to get out of the house and relax. Swimming offers a solution to avoid excessive weight gain, strengthening joints and removing summer heat. Aerobic in the water is a favorite for many pregnant women because it is the only place they feel light and cold water feels refreshing. These exercises provide a wealth of health benefits for both mother and child, including the supply of more oxygen to the muscle and tissues and therefore to the baby through the placenta. This translates into a placenta that works better and provides more nutrients to the smaller one.

Wear comfortable, supportive shoes and consume plenty of water, Fresh fruits and vegetables in abundance. Many of us already know how important nutrients are in these foods for a healthy mother and baby. Rich in vitamins and important nutrients like energy-giving carbohydrates and fiber, fruits and vegetables are the main nutrients for a healthy baby. You can easily plant your own organic vegetables and spice plants, cook them and freeze them to prepare your baby food once the baby is big enough. Silviu Iştoc.

Sun is vitamin D. While it is important not to expose yourself too much to the sun and constantly wear a sunscreen, spending a few minutes a day in the rays will expose your skin to more UV light, which makes it produce more . Vitamin D deficiency is very common during pregnancy and was associated with a higher risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and bacterial vaginosis. It is very difficult to get enough food just by food, so it is advisable to consult your specialist in this regard, Light and Vague Clothes. Maternity clothing has gone a long way in recent years.

Now adorable options abound for summer dresses, skirts and swimsuits. The warm season is perfect for future moms who can wear light clothing without stitching and other elements to disturb them. A lower risk of RSV. RSV is a highly contagious virus that causes a respiratory tract infection. RSV can be serious for premature babies or those suffering from heart and lung problems, especially at the age of 6 months and younger.

RSV generally occurs between October and May, so babies born in warmer months are less likely to receive it, so it is good to think about this when planning a pregnancy. The moisture is light and tasty. It is essential to get a good hydration during your pregnancy, but even more so during the hot summer days. Once you have reached the daily water requirements, you can also pamper yourself with natural and tasty, nutritious. Alcohol-free cocktails taste great, look good and are usually rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the baby to grow, but also for the future mother to stay healthy.

Holiday and relaxation days. Summer often offers vacations and time away from work, which can be great if you are in the early days of pregnancy when your physical symptoms can make you feel worse. Relaxation is very important during pregnancy. Fortunately, summer is one of the best moments of the year for a last-minute romantic escape. These holidays are perfect for partners to connect and spend together quality time before moving from partners to parenting.

Source : csid.ro

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