7 tricks to meditate right for beginners

7 tricks to meditate right for beginners
7 tricks to meditate right for beginners

photo: PopTika, ShutterstockHave you heard about the benefits of meditation and you decided to try it too. Apply these seven tricks to see the results you want. 1. Find a place It is important to find a place to feel safe and relaxed. This place should not be the same place as you sleep or work. With time, you will learn to meditate anywhere, but since you are new, it is smart to find a place where you can be relaxed and present.

2. Set up a timeSelect a time of day when you are free and when no one will bother you. While meditating, you must eliminate any disturbing factors, because concentration can easily be destroyed by simply distracting your attention. For some, early morning is the best time of day for meditation. However, we have different lifestyles so find the right one for you.

3. Make yourself comfortableThe cross-legged state is not the only place you can meditate. Choose a position where you feel relaxed and relaxed. Perhaps even lying on a yoga mat. Breathe deeply and let your body stretch comfortably.

4. Let your thoughts flow Your mind will start moving from one thought to another, but that's fine. Let your thoughts flow freely and just focus on your breathing. After a while, your mind will become quieter, and the voices in your head will be silent. 5.

Become aware of your body As you meditate, stand away from the past and the future. Feel your whole body, from the top of your head to your toes. Be aware of who you are and where you are at that moment. 6. Be grateful At the end of each meditation it is better to think of three things that you are really grateful to.

Thus, you lift your vibration and open your heart for better things. It's an incredibly effective way to filter your suppressed emotions and emotionally purify yourself. 7. Transform Meditation into a HabitMedia is a lifestyle, a habit like eating and sleeping. It is a practice that does not provide the best benefits instantly.

Book up 15 minutes a day to meditate. Only after a while, when you look back, you will realize how much you and your life better you have changed for the better. .

Source : kudika.ro

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