9 habits that can aggravate ADHD in adults

9 habits that can aggravate ADHD in adults
9 habits that can aggravate ADHD in adults

Although ADHD is an intense disease, there are not many answers. There has been talk of the causes, symptoms and treatments for children, but not too much ink on adults with ADHD. If you want to find common habits that could worsen the symptomatic ADHD, here are 9 of them. Lack of Exercise People who suffer from ADHD sometimes feel they have a troubled mind. And a sedentary life only makes things worse. So physical activity has the gift of helping those with such a disease to focus their attention, make decisions more easily and improve their memory.

Too much fast-food To date, science can not provide a concrete response to food that worsens ADHD, but research suggests that additions such as dyes can worsen children's symptoms. These add-ons are easily found in fast-food foods such as juice and candy. Scientists do not know if it affects adults, but it certainly can not do good eating unhealthy foods. Ignoring breakfast If it jumps over the morning meal, the symptoms may get worse. Breakfast helps the brain function properly.

After a healthy breakfast, people with ADHD can think more clearly and focus more easily. Disorder Some people say that disorder is a characteristic of geniuses. Research suggests it could signal creativity, but a messy house could make some symptoms of ADHD worsen. Piles of paper, books or laundry remind you of all the things to do. Sometimes it may be too much.

Specialists recommend those who suffer from ADHD to keep order, to keep stress and agitation on the side! . If you have ADHD, you may have the tendency to overpower and tighten some sort of objects. Good news: There is a way to stay quiet and go to the store! . If you bring a new item to the house, you have to donate an old one. Thus, you will not be tempted to complicate your existence with unnecessary objects.

Inappropriate medication • ADHDs do not always work well if you have problems with substance abuse. • Medicines for major depression may aggravate ADHD. • Some ADHD medications may increase your anxiety level. Lack of sleep Lack of sleep and ADHD often go hand in hand. Often, insomnia can be a stimulant medicine.

Other times, anxiety, depression and other such conditions that come with ADHD are to blame. Sleep deprivation can aggravate symptoms such as lack of concentration and may give rise to motor dysfunctions. Discontinuation of therapy Specialists recommend that people with ADHD also develop therapy, take medicines and warn that there is a tendency to quit therapy after the patient begins to have more control over ADHD. After all, administering a pill is much easier and therapy costs money. But research shows that it really helps therapy, especially when it is associated with medication.

Too much time spent in front of technological sources Could gadgets worsen symptoms? . Physicians have found links between ADHD and the time spent in front of screens. Internet addiction can lead to more severe symptoms of ADHD, say experts recommending time limitation in front of a screen. .

Source : csid.ro

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