Affections that can improve with the cat

Affections that can improve with the cat
Affections that can improve with the cat

• Skin diseases. Chicken oil is very good in skin disorders, such as eczema, burns. It also protects the skin against ultraviolet radiation and revitalizes it, due to the content of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E and K. Apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day. • Combat stress. Catina is rich in phosphorus and calcium, in group B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamins that lower the level of.

• In respiratory disorders. Whether we are talking about flu or cold, chicken syrup is very good because it increases the body's ability to defend itself, but at the same time it diminishes the complications that can occur after a flu. Moreover, the wheat syrup calms the cough. Therefore, as a precautionary measure, 4-5 tablespoons of chicken syrup per day can be taken on the empty stomach for three weeks, and if the disease is already installed, up to 10 teaspoons of chicken syrup per day . • Remove anemia.

Having a rich content of vitamins and minerals, cattle is considered a natural polyvitamin. That is why people who are in convalescence or those who want to fortify their body can follow for a month a cure with fresh fruits or juice. • Relieves the symptoms of hepatitis. Seed juice is a good adjuvant for acute or chronic liver disease. • Fortify the heart.

The white cat has the effect of lowering cholesterol, which prevents the thickening of the arteries. It also contains a large amount of antioxidants that protect the heart and blood vessels. In addition, it has an anticoagulant effect, which is why it is good for patients diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases as well, atherosclerosis,. Including patients who have already suffered a cure with a cat, but without giving up the strict medication given by the cardiologist. • It scars the wounds.

Cuts, burns, irritations, eczema, all these troubles will heal much faster if affected skin is applied at least twice a day. • Decreases depression. In the states of sadness, chronic fatigue, cattle is an excellent tonic, which will easily play the lust for life. • Eliminate infections. Regardless of the type of infection, urinary, stomach, respiratory, a cure of the cat will do well.

• It has a beneficial effect on infertility. It seems that including a female cure has a positive effect because it regulates hormonal activity and stimulates. .

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