Back pain during pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy
Back pain during pregnancy

are very common among pregnant women. It is estimated that 75% of pregnant women will experience back pain during pregnancy. They appear due to the numerous adaptive changes that the body undergoes. Although very common in the advanced stages of pregnancy, back pain can make its presence felt even in the first trimester. For some women, this may even be the first sign of pregnancy. Article content\n \n \n .

ro or from the SfatulMedicului mobile application (iOS, Android)\n . For example, one of the hormones with a major role in pregnancy is progesterone. It inhibits the contractions of the myometrium, i. e. the uterine muscle, and as it has a relaxing effect on this muscle, it will also have a relaxing effect on the abdominal, pelvic or back muscles.

Another hormone that produces changes in pregnancy is relaxin. This hormone is also produced by women who are not pregnant, but once the pregnancy is established, its value increases greatly. This hormone begins to produce changes in the ligaments from the first 6 weeks of pregnancy and reaches a maximum value at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Relaxin has a number of effects on the musculoskeletal system. During pregnancy, the role of relaxin is to relax ligaments and pelvic muscles to facilitate the birth process.

The pubic symphysis and the sacroiliac joint are the main areas affected by relaxin. Thus, these changes with the role of \. Along with the progress of the pregnancy, the posture changes also appear. These are based on the change in the center of gravity due to the increase in the size of the uterus and breasts and the adoption of compensatory positions to be able to support the pregnancy. An additional stress is placed on the back muscles that did not exist before the pregnancy.

They must help support the position simultaneously with the increase in volume and weight of the abdomen. There are a series of changes in the posture of a pregnant woman that can be observed in most of them, especially in the advanced stages of pregnancy such as: hyperextension of the neck with anteflexion of the head, anteriorly inclined pelvis, the appearance of lumbar hyperlordosis and thoracic kyphosis, and at the level of the lower limbs . Be careful, however, because back pain during pregnancy can mimic pain from, such as ureterohydronephrosis, renal colic or mask an upper or lower urinary tract infection. Thus, the situation of the pregnant woman must be evaluated very carefully in order not to endanger the pregnancy. There are many controversies regarding the recovery program indicated for a pregnant woman.

Physiotherapy is a major contraindication during pregnancy. The use of electrotherapy procedures can influence the development of the fetus. However, although the data recommending TENS therapy (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) is relatively limited, this form of therapy is considered safe starting from the second and third trimester of pregnancy. . TENS is a physiotherapy procedure through which low-frequency electrical impulses are transmitted by applying some electrodes to the painful area and has an antalgic action.

The electrodes will never be positioned at abdominal level during pregnancy. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) can also be used during labor to combat pain. It is recommended to use the device when contractions become regular. Medical massage and physical therapy are therapeutic means well tolerated by pregnant women. , although it is not contraindicated, it is recommended with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy, but once you enter the second trimester of pregnancy, you can perform a massage session once every two weeks and, as the pregnancy progresses, even a massage session .

Physiotherapy is recommended in order to relieve lumbar pain through exercises. The physical therapy program takes into account the month you are in and the nature of the pain. It can include relaxation techniques such as the Jacobson technique, exercises to stabilize the lumbar spine, aerobic exercises with low intensity and others depending on the needs. You must monitor your heart rate and it is recommended that it not exceed 140 beats per minute. It is important that during pregnancy you should not be sedentary and do physical exercises, and if before pregnancy you practiced sports regularly, you should discuss with the doctor until you can continue and if there are risks.

Contact sports must be discontinued. Pilates exercises are a type of training that is recommended during pregnancy regardless of the month you are in. It is important that the instructor knows the type of training suitable for pregnant women. By performing these exercises, the flexibility of the joints increases. It is said that when the woman feels ready, she can start post-partum physical exercises.

It is recommended to start them 6 weeks after a natural birth and 8 weeks after a cesarean birth. Exercises for the abdominal and back muscles, but also for the pelvic floor muscles will be included in the program. Kegel exercises are recommended for the pelvic floor muscles. They help to tone the pubic-coccygeal muscles. The Emsella Armchair can help this classic technique, which is a unique and non-invasive technique for toning the muscles of the pelvic floor.

One sitting on the Emsella chair is the equivalent of 11. 000 Kegel exercises. This form of therapy produces high-intensity electromagnetic energy that stimulates the muscles of the pelvic floor. It would be ideal to perform physical exercises regularly during pregnancy, because they are beneficial especially in the case of the present. It should be remembered that pregnancy is a unique period and that the recovery treatment cannot be a classic one, as there are contraindications.

Thus, being able to rely only on physical exercises, massage, but also on TENS therapy, when the pregnancy is more advanced for pain relief\r\n\r\n. Eugenia Anca\n . Dan belt\n . Delia Cinteza\n . Christian Angel\n .

CONSTANTIN ANGELESCU (former Interdepartmental Al. Sahia - under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice)\n \n \n . .

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