Bile acids can be a new solution to obesity

Bile acids can be a new solution to obesity
Bile acids can be a new solution to obesity

Obesity comes from an imbalance between energy accumulation and energy consumption. As a result, current treatments try to reduce calorie intake and / or increase energy consumption. Here's an interesting study of obesity that could give rise to new therapies against it! . Bile acids are important constituents of the bile, a yellow-green liquid produced in the liver that is stored in the bile and secreted in the intestine during the meal. Balls emulsify dietary fat into small globules that can be broken down by digestive enzymes to be absorbed by the gut. Researchers from EPFL have discovered that bile acids can turn fat cells into fat burners.

This process is called thermogenesis (literally There are three different types of fat cells: white fat cells that store energy; . Beige cells have recently attracted particular attention, especially as adults have a very small number of active brown energy-producing adipocytes. But what can make a white cell into a beige cell (a process called beiging) and change the balance from fat storage to burning fat? . The study shows that TGR5 bile acid receptor activation with molecules mimicking action of bile acids (so-called Bile acids accumulate in the blood and interact with the TGR5 receptor on the white fat cells to change their metabolic function. This is more than just a color change because researchers have found that these bile acids increase the number of mitochondria in new fat cells.

This indicates a higher energy consumption in the new beige fat cells. Bile acid mimetics also triggered lipolysis, the first step in fat degradation, allowing fatty cells to use fatty acids as their primary source of fuel. The study provides a direct link between bile acids and fat loss and provides a new therapeutic intervention for obese people. The study shows that bile acids are far more than an adjuvant for digestion. When their blood concentration reaches a certain level, it can convert the thermostat and increase fat burning to produce energy and heat.

What is really exciting about the new discovery is related to the small concentrations of selective TGR5 molecules that appear to be sufficient to promote whitening fat storage ( .

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