Bipolar disorder is a manic-depressive disorder in which depression episodes alternate with episodes of mania (or with a lesser form of mania, called hypomania). In most cases of TB, the disease is hereditary, Episodes of depression and anger are cyclical, obviously they may occur together or at a certain distance in time. Sometimes, when the subject has another psychological disorder, the manifestations (the thematic content of depression and anger) change, Type II bipolar disorder: The subject had major depressive episodes, at least one, less severe manic (episodic) episodes. Some people have episodes that terribly resemble a bipolar disorder but do not in any way meet the concrete criteria for the 1 or Type 2 disorder. These episodes can be classified as nonspecific bipolar disorders or cyclothymic disorder. There is a particular case where the subject has symptoms specific to a manic episode, but these are either insufficient in number or do not last for at least 4 days to be included in bipolar disorder (as a hypomaniacal episode)).
Risk Factors Genetic factors are the cause of TB. In the stage of mania or hypomania, there are unnatural increases in concentrations, both domanin, gab and noradrenaline. These neurotransmitters are responsible for the euphoric sympatomics. Psychiatry informs us that bipolar disorder has great chances to debut after a stressful event. Specialty books support a list of over 20 causes, including: Huntington's disease, stroke, syphilis (late stage), antidepressants (including tricyclic antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors), corticosteroids, levodopa, The risk factors are the following: high stress, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, traumatic experiences, psychiatric family history.
Symptoms of bipolar disorder In case of mania and hypomania, at least 3 of the following symptoms should be: grandiosity, exacerbated spirit need minimal / non-existent sleep (concrete example, the subject feels rested after only 3-4 hours of sleep) . Other symptoms of daily depression - decreased interest towards almost any activity visible weight loss excessive sleep insomnia slow-motion agitation - lack of energy loss of self-image presence of guilt feeling incapacity to focus on suicidal thoughts Diagnosis of bipolar disorder Diagnosis of a manic episode is done . Moreover, psychosis is triggered (the subject hears and sees things inexistent, believes in what he sees). If the symptoms are not due to alcohol or drug abuse and do not belong to any other illness. Diagnosing a hypomaniacal episode is done if mood impairment is severe enough to be noticed by other individuals.
Diagnosing the major depressive episode is done if five or more of the symptoms below occur within a clear 14-day period, and at least one of them is deeply saddened, Treatment of bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder treats and observes, Drug is alive. A mom brought my child to me telling me that he has many moments of sadness, he is staring with hours, that he is sometimes agitated and that he wants to say more than he manages to verbalize and the words come out. I worked with the child three times and I saw she did not even have one of the symptoms described by my mother. What gave me thought. At the end of the 3 rd meeting, I reached out to the lady and asked her directly: Dear lady, since you have not taken your prescription drugs? .
He returned an hour later and told me he was late for the metro. After I contacted the family to take over the minor, I understood the picture. Following her husband's death, her mother developed bipolar disorder. He was often staring naked, squatting on the window or at the door, sometimes being agitated and painting whole walls, and often unable to recognize his child because he looked like his father .
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