Coffee can influence our mental and physical condition, experts say. A coffee drunk 30 minutes before starting physical training has a refreshing effect. Coffee drinkers are less at risk of having liver disease, diabetes, dementia, different from cancer. Even the danger of stroke is lower in those who consume caffeine consistently. But how much coffee can we drink daily? . They reviewed over 220 caffeine-related research and concluded that we could even drink four cups a day without fear.
Moreover, this amount can help us be healthier. British scientists say that the risks that come with the consumption of coffee are lower than the benefits to the body. To benefit from the positive effects of coffee, it is advisable to consume between 3 and 4 cups a day. In this case, the risk of dying, irrespective of causes, decreases by 17%. Even those who consume seven cups are healthier.
Statistics do not apply to pregnant women or those who have problems with bone fragility, writes Gustarte. ro. According to the National Health Service in the UK, an adult can consume up to 400 mg of caffeine per day. This quantity is equivalent to 4 cups of instant coffee (each has an average of about 100 mg caffeine) or 3 cups of coffee on the filter (140 mg caffeine / cup). .
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