Cheats for a better sleep

Cheats for a better sleep
Cheats for a better sleep

More and more people are experiencing sleep problems. No wonder there was a million dollar industry around this topic. Before spending a lot of money on expensive gadgets and mattresses, try these simple tricks for a better night's sleep. photo interior and front page: Baranov Dmitry ShutterstockSaid your nose in the phoneSave your nose in the phone before falling asleep is not at all healthy. The blue and white light behind the screen prevents you from releasing melatonin, a natural hormone designed to induce sleep. Going to bed too earlyNot each body needs the eight hours of sleep per night.

Some people may feel fresh after only six hours of sleep. Drink anything else instead of water after seven o'clock Even though it may seem difficult, anything else without water during the evening influences the quality of sleep. Most drinks contain sugars and other chemicals designed to stimulate your body. \. Be careful about the types of noise that is heard in the bedroom and the impact they have on your sleep.

Sleep on TVAs the screen of the phone, the TV has those blue and white annoying lights that prevent the brain from falling asleep. In addition, flashing lights interfere with your eyes, whether they are locked or not. Financial stressThe most feared offender on this list is stress. According to polls, financial stress is most often felt before bedtime. People think about how much money they have in their account or on account, what credits they have made, the bills they have to pay, and so forgets that sleep goes on the water of Sambetei.

Before going to bed, try to reconnect with your inner being and get rid of the tiresome worries over the day. You can create a pleasant ambiance with relaxing music and a scented candle and meditate at least for five minutes. A recent study by Sleep magazine also found that how people deal with their stress indicate how well they sleep, reporting that people who fix themselves on their problems have had higher insomnia than those who treat them . .

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