Child feeding between 1 and 2 years

Child feeding between 1 and 2 years
Child feeding between 1 and 2 years

After the age of one year, the child's behavior at the table changes, which is much more active and more curious about exploration and therefore it is possible to lose patience at the table. However, regardless of his protests, you do not have to accept to eat in front of his TV, his tablet. As a general rule, one single fresh food should be introduced at once. Subsequently, the amount of newly introduced food will gradually increase to avoid possible allergies or. At the same time, new foods are introduced only when the baby is healthy. Any food for the little one will be cooked or baked and will not be fried.

Also, use should be avoided for the preparation or heating of the baby's food, as this will destroy important nutrients in food. The cakes were prepared in the house, and the cakes were not recommended. Sausages, smoked meat, minced meat, melted cheese, pastry products are not indicated before the age of 3. The child between 1 and 2 years of age will not eat foods containing sugar, animal fat, but no sauces, fry, cakes, smoked, excessive salt, red meat: pig, animal organs, excess pickles, spices in . The baby is recommended for food such as: vegetables, fresh fruit, boiled eggs, whole grains, pasta, unfermented cheese and dairy, wheat flour, rye, whole black flour, natural spices - thyme, parsley, coriander, .

• The best proteins for the baby are those of animal origin: milk, eggs and meat. A child between 1 and 2 years is advised to eat chicken, chicken, turkey, fish, chicken liver or turkey about 40-60 g daily. Attention, and sheep are not recommended at this stage. • The child is allowed to eat egg white, but only if the little one has no allergies. • Can consume dairy products, although it has now gone into the second place in the diet, ie it should not eat more than 500 ml / day.

It is also now allowed and natural yogurt, cow's cheese, cow's milk, urda, sour cream, butter. • Bread should be included in the baby's diet moderately, at most two slices a day. It also has rice and rice, pasta, but especially whole. • During this time, home cookies are recommended: chec, fruit cake or cake. he is not allowed to consume before the age of three.

• Prepared or raw vegetables must be offered to the child in large quantities, as are fruits. • Fish can be included in the diet 3 times a week. .

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