Couple issues: healthy relationship vs. toxic relationship

Couple issues: healthy relationship vs. toxic relationship
Couple issues: healthy relationship vs. toxic relationship

We always come to ask why we are in the same types of relationships and why they are the same every time. Perhaps this is not the first time that you have gone through the phrase: Well, we tend to always look for the same thing in different people. We want them to fold on our scenario of life, that is, to be as our parents. This is why we always apologize to the partner for the way they behave. During this period the first types of links are observed and formed, the family ones. Eric Berne introduces the concept of He considered that, by the age of 5-6, the child creates a life plan based on pre-conscious decisions.

The life scenario is influenced by the way the parents interact and the way they relate to him, The pillars that support a healthy couple relationship In general, it is very important how you feel in a relationship. When both partners are willing to engage and devote time and effort to each other, that is when the quality of the relationship begins to grow, There are a number of things that need to be considered for a healthy couple: Emotional Value: Contrary to the idea of ​​hook-up culture, a healthy and stable relationship needs emotional value. The relationship must be a means of gratification, first of all soul and then sexual. A stable relationship is a relationship that makes you feel fulfilled. Personal development: When you feel that your partner limits you, or, worse, that it discourages you from doing, you have to start asking yourself some questions.

It is very important to continue to grow, to grow, both personally and professionally. Dependence vs. desire: Many people are unconsciously looking for partners to Although there is a possibility that this kind of relationship lasts longer, it is not the kind of relationship that will make you happy. The goal is that your partner does not need you, but still choose to stay with you. Without masks: A relationship where you always wear masks and you can never relax is not a relationship that will work, because you will never get to know yourself.

Thus, as many conflicts appear as your partner thought he was in a relationship with a totally different person, Motivation: One more thing to think about is the motivation for you or your partner to do good things for each other. If you always expect something to swap for a romantic gesture, you take all the value of the gesture itself. Why do we hope we can change the one next to us? . Intensity from the beginning diminishes along the way to make room for other things, such as concern for personal development. That's why if you get all the decisions for the relationship and none for you, you will get frustrated by the stagnation of the development and eventually the fact that your partner does not do the same No matter how much love between you and your partner is, always living to the fullest and always taking advantage of every moment can be a huge pressure and a source of major fatigue.

The most useful advice would be to prioritize activities and appreciate any type of activity with your partner (intense or not). How do we know we're matched with our partner? . Both physical and emotional attraction is based on this compatibility created during the relationship. The right partner is the one that meets your needs (emotional, physical, physical, etc. ) that you have when you know someone.

People have different degrees of maturity and need two people who are in the same place of evolution as individuals in order to be receptive to the negotiation process, Love is operating in several areas. Classic compatibility is overestimated. The similarities or personality traits that are taken into account at the beginning of the relationship may not pass the time test. When people divorce say they made this decision because they have nothing in common, even if they have children, a house and 30 years of experience together. Surface values ​​tend to scatter over time, but if there are fundamental differences that can not be negotiated (worldview, raising children, perceiving money, etc.

. ), then you can say that you do not match the one next to you, Compatibility is represented by those negotiations about important issues in a relationship. You can know that you fit with your partner when the negotiations are easy and you feel that you are not sacrificing your personality for the sake of compromise, but you do not even take up the whole discussion. What hides the need for control in the couple? . What are the things we can forgive in a couple and who do not? .

It is important to conclude that forgiveness is not a favor for the other, but a great good that you can do to yourself, If the wrong partner / partner, can it be about love between the two? . People do not fool because they stop loving, but because they have some unsatisfied needs in their relationship with their couple. It is true, however, that sometimes an extramarital relationship can attract the love that will result in an emotional detachment from the couple's partner, .

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