Diabetes and women - 19 things to remember

Diabetes and women - 19 things to remember
Diabetes and women - 19 things to remember

Diabetes is a very difficult condition for everyone, but especially for children and women. Stress caused by women is especially unusual because this disease can affect mothers and unborn babies. Did you know that? . Women with diabetes are prone to developing recurrent vaginal infections because glucose (sugar) in their body is the perfect trigger to encourage and increase infection in the body. Some contraceptive pills may increase your blood glucose. Using them for more than a year or two can increase the risk of complications.

For example, if you have high blood pressure during pill administration, you increase the chance of aggravating eye or kidney disease. Menopause may affect diabetes. Changes in hormonal levels can lead to glucose levels that are beyond the allowed limits. Women with diabetes are also at risk of developing premature menopause and, consequently, have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Research has shown that many risk factors for diabetes (weight gain, obesity, lack of physical activity) are more common in women than in men.

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) decided that in 2017, the International Diabetes Day (November 14th) will be dedicated to women. IDF promotes the importance of easy access for all women at risk of diabetes or diabetes diagnosed with treatment and essential technologies for diabetes monitoring, education and information to achieve optimal results in diabetes control and prevention of type 2 diabetes. Here are some facts highlighted by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF): There are currently more than 199 million women living with diabetes and it is estimated that their number will increase to 313 million by 2040. 2 out of every 5 women with diabetes are at the age of reproduction, meaning over 60 million women around the world. Diabetes is the leading cause of death in women worldwide, causing 2.

1 million deaths annually. Women with type 2 diabetes have a 10-fold greater risk of developing coronary heart disease than women without this condition. Women with type 1 diabetes have an increased risk of spontaneous abortion or having a child with malformations. 1 in 7 births is affected by gestational diabetes. IDF estimates that at least 16.

2% of births in 2015 had some form of hyperglycemia during pregnancy. Approximately half of women with a history of gestational diabetes continue to develop type 2 diabetes within five to ten years of birth. Half of all cases of hyperglycemia during pregnancy occur in women under the age of 30. The vast majority of cases of hyperglycemia during pregnancy were in low and middle income countries where access to maternal care is often limited. Up to 70% of cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

70% of premature deaths among adults are largely due to behaviors initiated during adolescence. Women, like mothers, have an enormous influence on the long-term health of their children. Research has shown that when mothers benefit from greater control over resources, they allocate more food, health and nutrition to children and education. Women are the ones who, in a household, trace their eating habits and lifestyle habits, so they have the potential to prevent this disease.

Source : csid.ro

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