Diet for fertility, what to eat to fight infertility

Diet for fertility, what to eat to fight infertility
Diet for fertility, what to eat to fight infertility

Many couples are currently facing infertility, defined as trying to couple a child for one year without success. The causes can be multiple and, as a rule, after investigations, the gynecologist will determine the cause for which the couple can not conceive. When genetics, organic or other pathologies are excluded, it is very important to carefully look at the diet and lifestyle of the couple because there is a great deal between them and the quality of the genetic material, hormonal balance and conception. Let's look at them in turn: 1. Infertility, the glycemic index of the diet and SOPC Polycystic ovary syndrome (SOPC), accompanied by lack of ovulation may be a cause of infertility. SOPC is associated with irregular menstrual cycles, insulin resistance and even elevated glycaemias, elevated levels of androgenic hormones, depression, hair loss and thinning, acne, aggression, ovarian cysts.

In this case, a diet with a low glycemic index and leading to the loss of extra kg may be the solution. Therefore, avoid sweets, sweet juices, refined cereals (white bread, white rice, pasta are replaced with the whole version), avoid consumption of pastries, pretzels, biscuits, croissants, pretzels. Fruits are consumed only after meals and accompanied by foods with fat and fibers that lower the glycemic index, eg walnuts. Avoid fresh fruit, like any other sweetened beverage. Dieting diet should not be thought of avoiding meals.

In this case, especially if physical activity and then no meal is used, there is even a worsening of the polycystic ovary syndrome by increasing testosterone secretion in women. 4-5 small meals / day are required for good glycemic control, which then influences the hormonal balance. Beneficial in the long run are plants that influence plasma levels of hormones or their activity in tissues (supplements with vitex agnus castus, sweet wood, mint, red clover, maca), insulin sensitisers (cinnamon, bitter cucumber). To be remembered, it takes about 6-12 months for the effects of lifestyle change and supplementation to produce the desired effects. Infertility and nutrient deficits.

Nutrient status is very important for fertility, that of vitamins, minerals, and proteins, essential fatty acids. A set of thorough analyzes to verify this is a starting point in infertile couple analysis. Diet with too little protein (animal or vegetable) is associated with anovulation, if you follow a vegan diet, it is very important to check if you daily assure 50-70 grams of protein per day. Vitamin B deficiency, especially folate deficiency, is known to be a cause of poor genetic material synthesis and embryo quality, so it is important to consume green salads or other folate sources daily such as linden, peas,. Insufficient vitamin D levels, very commonly spread, are linked to infertility.

Vitamin D regulates the activity of thousands of genes but also carbohydrate metabolism, its deficit being encountered in polycystic ovary syndrome, obesity, autoimmune diseases and other chronic inflammatory diseases that lead to infertility. Most of the time, apart from rational exposure to the sun, 20 minutes a day at noon, it is also necessary to prescribe a vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D food sources bring a modest intake compared to its synthesis through exposure to the sun; . Vitamins C, E, zinc, selenium - are involved in increasing the quality of both ovum and sperm. These nutrients, through their antioxidant capacity, can reduce oxidative stress, a factor that prevents the formation, implantation and support of the embryo.

This nutrient can be obtained through a very varied diet but also with fresh foods, a little chemically treated and still retaining nutritional information. In SOPC, excess coffee (over 2 servings of coffee / day) is avoided, and excess dairy products. Hormonal balance and diet. The hormonal balance is greatly influenced by the amount of sugar in your diet, by the amount and quality of the fats you eat, the weight and the degree of physical activity, your emotional state. Low-fat diets are very commonly associated with infertility, and insufficient omega 3 fatty acid intake is more commonly associated with chronic inflammation, depression that negatively affects ovulation, and the alteration in the quality of the genetic material.

Consumes frequently, daily, nuts, raw seeds, cold pressed oily fish and small fish such as sardines, mackerel, herring, fish eggs, organic eggs. This affects both the woman and the man; . The poor hormonal imbalance in men refers to a bad relationship between testosterone and estrogen, in favor of the latter. Drinking sweets, alcohol, obesity, inactivity are causes that can lead to undesirable growth of estrogen secretion in the man, associated with infertility and poor sperm quality. The diet with a low amount of dietary fiber is accompanied by poor hormone clearance, ie a poor digestive elimination of excess hormones, for example estrogen.

The predominant estrogen is today a causal factor for pathologies in the uterus (fibromatosis, endometriosis) with major fertility impact, so give up diets based only on animal products and white flour products and choose daily fiber foods (vegetables, legumes, cereals . Obesity as well as very low body weight are determinants of hormonal balance, have a direct impact - fatty tissue produces hormones, inflammatory cytokines, but also indirectly because it sets the activity of the pituitary-hypothalamic-ovarian axis. , short of all the hormones secreting glands. Environmental influences on the quality of genetic material. In all cells, including oocyte and sperm, there must be a balance between free radicals and antioxidants that stabilize (annihilate).

The product of the oxygen free radical species (oxidative stress) is developed throughout life, the impact is cumulative. The excess of free radicals but also the lack of antioxidants has an effect on many processes related to fertility; . Certain vitamins, minerals, supplements with resveratrol, choline, inositol and coenzyme Q10 are of great interest in this balance. Look for sources of oxidative stress in the environment to reduce them; . CONCLUSION Lifestyle mistakes that can influence fertility rate: Consumption of toxins (alcohol, smoking, drugs), sweets, consumption of juices and carbonated beverages, lack of physical activity, stress, lack of somot and relaxation Principles of diet to increase fertility .

Diet with sufficient protein intake and high fat intake but without trans fats (margarines, hydrogenated oils, processed food, industrial doughs, fast food products). Constantly intake of fiber, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants by eating 2 daily fruits, 1-2 salads with green leaves and vegetables daily, small portions of legumes (lentils, peas, naut) 2-3 times / week, spices and plants . Frequent consumption of oily fish, eco-friendly eggs and reduced consumption of large raptors (containing omega 3 but also heavy metals), red meat, fast food, processed. .

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