Do you practice oral sex ?!

Do you practice oral sex ?!
Do you practice oral sex ?!

The World Health Organization is alerting itself to the practice of oral sex. According to the most recent data, oral sex and the lower use of condom facilitates the spread of an extremely dangerous bacterium. Neisseria gonorrhoea is the bacterium responsible for the occurrence of gonorrhea. The World Health Organization warns of the existence of a strain of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea. An expert of the institution even said that in a few years this disease would become resistant to any form of treatment that exists today. Gonorrhea affects 78 million people worldwide every year, and if untreated, it can cause urethral or cervical infections, infertility in both men and women, complications during pregnancy and even death in extreme cases.

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 77 countries show that the development of antibiotic resistance in the case of gonorrhea has become a global phenomenon. According to Dr. Teodora Wi of the WHO recorded three cases in Japan, France and Spain when the infection was completely untreatable. Theodora Wi. Gonorrhea can infect the genitals, rectum and throat.

The infection located in the throat is the most dangerous according to WHO officials. Wi. Oral sex leads to the spread of the bacteria responsible for gonorrhea in this environment, and hence developing highly resistant types. Wi. WHO calls on all countries to monitor the spread of resistant gonorrhea and to invest in the discovery of new drugs.

What is and how is Gonorrhea manifested? . The infection spreads through unprotected sexual intercourse - vaginal, oral and anal. Symptoms may include the following manifestations: visceral yellowish-greenish genital secretions, urinary pain, and bleeding between two menstrual cycles. Patients often have no symptoms, but can spread the disease and easily infect other people. Untreated infections can lead to infertility, inflammation in the pelvic region and can be transmitted to the face during pregnancy.


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