Do you want iron health?

Do you want iron health?
Do you want iron health?

One of the things I really liked about \. And this is not just a Hollywood myth. Connecting with the community is particularly important for women. There is so much pressure on us to be perfect and to do everything we can end by feeling that we are not good enough and comparing us. However, when we stop judging and embracing what makes us unique, we are capable of sustaining and helping us. Together, we are stronger and time spent with other women can have an incredible effect on our well-being.

Here's how: 1. You become less stressed Cortisol is the main stress hormone our body releases when we feel restless or overwhelmed. This can happen both in the short term (during a verbal conflict with your spouse), or in the long run (for example, in the case of a stressful job). This is our automatic \. New research shows that women have a better tool to combat stress, and this involves adopting a thoughtful and friendly attitude.

It is intimate with our loving nature, built to offer warmth and care. This is brought to light every time we spend time with our family, friends or a group of people with whom we have things in common. Such moments stimulate the release of oxytocin, which inhibits the release of stress hormones and helps calm the nervous system. In other words, time spent with women who are your friend increases your stress resistance and has a calming effect on your nervous system. It is easier for you to keep your motivationWhen it comes to eating healthy and moving, we know what to do but sometimes it can be difficult.

But instead of feeling guilty when you are not demotivated, try to call a girlfriend. Oxitocin helps to stimulate dopamine, a neurotransmitter that encourages us to learn, explore and give us a good feeling. When it comes to behavior, it is much easier to make healthier decisions, rather based on what we want and less on what \. You have more compassion for others - and for youSome magic happens when women come together - especially those who experience similar experiences. It may be easy to compare us, but the truth is that no one is perfect and we all have aspects of our personality that we are fighting with.

We often think of success as the attainment of habits and watching the journey. Seeing how other women progress and overtaking obstacles can inspire and motivate you. .

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