Essential vitamins for a healthy, energetic and smart baby

Essential vitamins for a healthy, energetic and smart baby
Essential vitamins for a healthy, energetic and smart baby

Vitamins have an essential role in supporting the development of the body and its proper functioning. Although energy is provided by carbohydrates, proteins and fats without an optimal intake of vitamins, any person feels lethargic. The role of vitamins is all the more important for children, who are in the process of growth and development. Ideally, a complete and healthy diet can provide the body's vitamin requirements, but, especially today, vitamin balance is hard to maintain just by eating. Find out the benefits of each type of vitamin, how to recognize the signs of deficiencies and how we can supplement the baby's nutrition with the nutrients he needs! Vitamin C plays an important role in supporting the immune system, which is helpful if we want to keep our infections away and . It helps restore red cells, tissues and bones.

A sign of vitamin C deficiency is the slow healing of scratches, but also the fatigue, lack of appetite, colds or frequent infections may indicate a lack. Vitamin C plays an important role in developing the cognitive ability of children. It is not in vain to say that a child who loves fruits and vegetables is more agile and learns faster. More information about Fortunately, Vitamin C is found in almost all fruits and vegetables. There is no question of a too high dose of vitamin C, which is soluble in water and the excess is eliminated.

Vitamin B complex contributes to the harmonious development of the baby. Vitamin B1 protects the nervous system from affections and maintains the mechanism of transmission of information from the brain to various organs of the body. Vitamin B6 helps correct brain function and helps regulate emotional states. This also contributes to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Vitamin B7 keeps the nervous system healthy, and vitamin B12 helps to produce red cells and maintains the nervous system efficiently, improves memory and helps in the development of intellectual activities.

A vitamin B imbalance can be perceived through cumbersome learning and memory processes, lack of appetite and balance problems. You need to take care of your vitamin B doses because excess can be harmful to your body. Is responsible for absorbing minerals and especially calcium. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to insufficient growth or low bone strength. Vitamin D is assimilated by exposure to the sun, which is one of the many reasons why the child needs to get out in the air and in the sun in any season.

This vitamin also helps to increase the concentration and memory power. Vitamin A supports the immune system, helps improve vision, protects the skin and the digestive system of infections. One of the common symptoms of vitamin A deficiency is the decrease in visual acuity, which should be an alarm signal at any age. Vitamin A contributes to the development of bones and teeth and helps repair tissues in the event of strokes or scratches. Vitamin A plays an important role in fulfilling brain function and immune system health.

All vitamins are important for a harmonious development of the baby, but the four are essential in the period of growth and learning. Periodically, a pediatrician's assessment and possibly an additional nutrition of the baby with the necessary nutrients is useful if needed. .

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