Burnout syndrome has been described as having multiple stages, and the first stage begins with a personal overload attempt to overcome all the demands. Over time this overuse leads to chronic fatigue, drop in performance, the emergence of emotions and negative thoughts, the decline in motivation and the social retreat. The person gets frustrated, feels he can not cope with the volume of work, but can not give up for financial reasons. The body can respond to chronic stress through the appearance of psychosomatic reactions such as: digestive problems (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation), cardiovascular problems (palpitations, tiredness, back pain in tense situations) . The second stage in the syndrome is psychiatric illnesses such as: drug addiction, depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug abuse to deal with difficult situations at work, or even suicide in some cases . In order not to reach the second stage, Burnout syndrome management should include careful and complete employee assessment even from the first interview, but also several times a year to detect a potential psychological decompensation of the employee.
The evaluation will include psychiatric interview, psychological tests, clinical general health examination and a series of laboratory paraclinical investigations. It is also possible to use a specific questionnaire by the psychologist or manager to find what is called the \. Treatment of Burnout Syndrome is through general and specific measures to combat stress through psychotherapy that provides good psychological support and fosters confidence in self-confidence. Techniques also have a beneficial effect both for body and mind through various methods (anti-stress massage, aromatherapy) that make them take out of the daily trance and give you a few minutes of personal pampering. Treatment of psychiatric symptoms is only given at the advice of the approved psychiatrist to decide whether the person in question requires medical treatment or just needs a dietary supplement.
And the correction of biological imbalances can be automatically adjusted by removing stressors by changing the diet style or, if necessary, by medical indications that vary according to each patient and the affected system. It is improbable that this syndrome be detected and conscious in time and that removal and treatment measures be initiated as early as possible to prevent the occurrence of psychiatric and psychosomatic disorders, sometimes difficult to treat and control. .
Source : sfatulmedicului.ro
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